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WCC 2020 Res 117 - Progress Report

General information
IUCN Constituencies implementing this Resolution
IUCN Members: 
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica ( COICA ) / Ecuador
IUCN Commissions: 
Pas de commissions sont / ont été impliqués
IUCN Secretariat: 
Other non-IUCN related organisations: 
the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB (Spanish acronym)), the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), and the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (GATC); the World Rural Forum (WRF);the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF); Pan African Farmers Organisation (PAFO); Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU); Pa
Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution : 
Policy influencing/advocacy
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken: 
IUCN, through the Forest and Farm Facility has continued supporting eleven regional and global grantees during 2024 and will go on in 2025: • the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB (Spanish acronym)), • the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), • and the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (GATC) • the World Rural Forum (WRF) • the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) • Pan African Farmers Organisation (PAFO) • Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) • Pacific Islands Farmers Organizations Network (PIFO) • Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organizations (INOFO) • Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM) In 2024, FFF provided technical support for the implementation of regional and global activities, including: • Pursuing policy influencing opportunities to put family farmers at the centre of climate and biodiversity policy processes promoting the engagement of its members in climate debates and raising the voices of family farmers in international fora. • Supporting Farmer Organisations to reinforce their advocacy capacity and facilitating the development of regional and global consensus on the advocacy agenda for small-scale family farmers’ regarding climate action and climate financing. • Supporting women producers engagement in climate fora and promoting the role and importance of traditional knowledge from female IPLCs at regional level. • Partnerships have been key to the work of regional and global FFPOs, such as WRF grouping AFA, COPROFAM, EAFF, PIFON and INOFO; as they have harnessed the advocacy efforts to amplify farmers voices. (Ongoing)

The Forest and Farm Facility seeks to strengthen and empower FFPOs, including women, youth and indigenous peoples, as primary change agents for climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods. It does so by providing direct financial support and technical assistance to strengthen forest and farm producer organizations representing smallholders, rural women’s groups, local communities and indigenous peoples’ institutions. The Forest and Farm Facility is a partnership launched in 2012 between FAO (management and in-country operations), IIED (knowledge generation, monitoring and learning), Agricord (FFPO organizational support), and IUCN (regional and global FFPO engagement). It is guided by a Steering Committee, is formed by members affiliated with forest producer, community forestry, indigenous peoples’ organizations, international research community, business development service provider organization, private sector, government, and donors. Phase II of FFF is funded by Finland, Germany, Norway through the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism of FAO, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United States of America, and IKEA. IUCN's main role in the partnership is to, on the one hand, build the capacity of apex forest and farm producers organizations to strengthen their resilience to climate change . On the other hand, the objective is to increase visibility of FFPOs and ensure they have a seat at international, regional and national decision making processes with a specific focus on landscape restoration and direct access to climate finance. (Ongoing)
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome : 
Initiatives like the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), a partnership led by FAO, IUCN, IIED, and AgriCord, have been instrumental in strengthening the advocacy skills of FFPOs through targeted training, mentoring, and campaigns. Through FFF grassroots organizations, regional networks, and global farmer alliances have worked for years together to build a shared voice for smallholder farmers, advocating for policies that integrate agroecological approaches and address the dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. However, these processes take time. Building a common voice is a gradual effort, but each step brings farmers closer to influencing decisions that directly affect their livelihoods and the planet.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution: 
Policy influencing/advocacy
Are these actions planned for yet: 
Status of implementation
Status of implementation for this Resolution: 
On-going: implementation consisting of repetitive, recurrent action (attending meetings, reporting, etc.)
Additional information