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WCC 2020 Dec 147 - Progress Report

General information
IUCN Constituencies implementing this Resolution
IUCN Members: 
Organisation pour la Nature, l'Environnement et le Développement du Cameroun ( ONED ) / Cameroon
IUCN Commissions: 
IUCN Climate Crisis Commission 2022-2025 (CCC)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management 2021-2025 (CEM)
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025 (CEC)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy 2021-2025 (CEESP)
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2021-2025 (SSC)
IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025 (WCEL)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025 (WCPA)
IUCN Secretariat: 
Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution : 
Convene stakeholders/Networking
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken: 
1. Up to October 2024: Three meetings of the 20y- Strategic Vision Steering Committees (SC) were held (February April, October) to address: i) the structure and content of the adjusted 20y SV document to be submitted to the Council; ii) the setting of the schedule and process of the consultation to Members during 2024. The next SC meeting will be held in December 2024.
2. A serie of virtual Information sessions were held with all IUCN Members and Commissions on the draft of IUCN Strategic Vision and IUCN Programme. This was a joint effort between the teams leading the 20y SV and the Programme design; with the Regional Directors, the Constituency Unit, the 20y SC, the DGO among others.
3. On March 2024, a discussion between was held between the IUCN DG and IUCN Global Group for National and Regional Committee Development to inform them on the priorities, the process and to ensure sound empowerment and engagement from the Regional and National Committees in the upcoming consultation to Members.
4. In April and May 2024, workshops were held with the PPC, the FAC and the Council to refine the proposed 20y-SV document including the Financial Strategy as well as the consultation process.
5. Between April and October 2024, the consultation to Members was carried out.
6. In addition, a series of consultations with National and Regional Committees was carried out with a specific and harmonized guide in the different regions as part of the Regional Conservation Fora and also as separate activities.
7. Between July and October, a series of additional dialogues with IPO, Youth, the private sector as well as with IUCN Framework Donors were carried out to open space for specific inputs to feed into the 20y-SV proposal.
8. Also, three thematic workshops leaded by Exo Mesh were carried our with IUCN staff on (i) industries and the private sector; (ii) partnership and financing; and (iii) science and technology to get inputs and innovative elements for the long term IUCN priorities. These activities complemented the discussion carried out during ExBo meetings as well as during the 2 managerial workshops (WS) on the 20y SV and the 2026-2029 programme.
9. In the 9 Regional Conservation Fora carried out between April and October 2024, specific consultations on both the 20ySV and the 2026-2029 Programme proposals took place during the Members Assemblies. In most of the RCF, the transformational areas proposed in the 20y SV were included in the knowledge days.
10. After the first data cleaning of the answers from the on-line consultation, preliminary results show that 449 responses were received; of which: 190 from Members (of which 47% are also Members of Commissions), 231 from Commission Members; and 28 IUCN staff and others. The data processing is still on-going. A writing week was held in November in coordination with the team in charge of the 2026-2029 Programme to analyse the adjustment needed (both in form and content)
FOR THE RECORD: In the last quarter of 2023: i) the Chapter 1 and 2 were approved by the SC and endorsed by the Council; ii) additional inputs from five experts – major trends impacting conservation, nature and biodiversity- were discussed with the council in the Fontainebleau meeting; iii) in the same Fontainebleau meeting, a strategic analysis was carried out by the Council on “The development of knowledge: the role of IUCN”, and “What future for conservation and restoration in the next 20 years”. This allowed the Council to provide their views on (i) the needed global transformations for the successful future of our planet, and on IUCN required focus; and (ii) on the roles that IUCN needs to play in this global transformation; and the changes needed across members, commissions and Secretariat). All these inputs were included in the adjusted document on the IUCN 20y- SV Vision.
- The 20y SV draft approved and submitted for consultation
- Financial Strategy draft completed and submitted to consultation;
- On-line consultation to Members and Commissions completed;
- Other focus groups consultation completed (IPO, Youth, Private Sector, Framework donors)
- National and Regional Committees consultation completed
SC meetings completed

What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome : 
• The need to a more proactive participation of Members in the webinars and in the process in general, led the team to increase efforts organising specific dialogues, intensifying the follow up to receive written feedback after the events (webinars, dialogues) as well as national consultation. The close coordination with the IUCN Constituency Unit has been key in this effort. As the Steering Committee underlined, the 20y SV should be considered as a “living document” that should be discussed and updated even after its approval during the next Congress.
• Also, there is a need to make the document more accessible and “friendly” reading. That is why specific budget has been included for 2025.
• The necessary alignment (in content and form) between the 20y-SV and the 2026-2029 Programme requires more time and common approach. Then, close coordination has been set between the 2 teams in charge of each process.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution: 
• December 2024: during the SC8, presentation of the main results from the consultation (on-line, Dialogues, National and Regional Committees, Other inputs received in the Engage platform…)
• January 2025: completion and presentation to the SC9 of the 20y SV draft1 adjusted document aligned with the 2026-2029 Programme draft
• January 2025: submit the updated draft to Council 112
• February: Virtual presentation of the updated draft 2 to Members
• March: discussion of the draft 3 with SC10
• April: Semi-final version including communicational, proofreading and translation.
• May: 20y- SV document submitted to the Council 113
• June: final approval of SC11 to be submitted to Council and the WCC.
Are these actions planned for yet: 
Status of implementation
Status of implementation for this Resolution: 
Underway: implementation well-advanced
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