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Circular letter

Complete Title: 
Circular letter
IUCN Publication
Chicago, IL : IUCN Ethics Working Group, 1985-

Cicular Letter no.1 (1985) and no.2 (1986) sent to members and supporters of the Working Group on Ethics, Humanities and the Arts, IUCN Commission on Education. Circular Letter No.3 (1989) and No.4 (1990) sent to corresponding members of the IUCN Ethics, Culture and Conservation Working Group, an inter-commissional working group formed in 1984. Circular Letter No.5 and No. 6 (1994) was to the Ethics Working Group, which was given the status of an inter-commissional working group in the IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning (CESP).

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2020/04/10