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Report of the South and Southeast Asian regional session of the Global biodiversity forum 1999

Complete Title: 
Report of the South and Southeast Asian regional session of the Global biodiversity forum 1999
IUCN Grey Literature




This regional session of the GBF brought together over 120 participants from 22 countries, ranging from indigenous comunity representatives to members of intergovernmental organisations. It was designed to feed directly into the deliberations of the CBD, in particular the discussion of SBSTTA (Jan-Feb 2000). Selected themes reflected key SBSTTA5 agenda items, and also highlighted regional concerns. Workshops included topics on sustainable use, the ecosystme approach to conservation, and alien and invasive species

Global Biodiversity Forum, South and Southeast Asian Regional Session, Colombo, LK, 24-26 October 1999
Colombo : IUCN Asia Regional Biodiversity Programme, 2000
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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2024/05/08