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Mangroves for the future : a strategy for promoting investment in coastal ecosystem conservation 2007-2012

Complete Title: 
Mangroves for the future : a strategy for promoting investment in coastal ecosystem conservation 2007-2012
IUCN Publication




Mangroves are among the most valuable ecosystems providing food and protection for a large number of marine and land-based organisms, livelihoods for coastal populations, and protection from ocean swell and other extreme weather events for low-lying coastal areas. In the wake of the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami there was a strong realization that much of the future devastation to human life and property could be avoided through the existence of healthy, properly-managed and conserved mangroves. In collaboration with other stakeholders, IUCN launched Mangroves for the Future, a partnership-led initiative to encourage investment in coastal ecosystem conservation. This report presents an overview of this initiative, the case for increased investment, and a framework for its implementation over the coming five years.

Bangkok, TH : UNDP ; Gland : IUCN, 2007
Physical Description: 
iii, 26p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2022/05/24