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Ideas for groundwater management

Complete Title: 
Ideas for groundwater management
IUCN Publication



Groundwater is the earth's largest accessible store of fresh water. The volume is almost 100 times that of surface water. In recent decades use of groundwater has grown exponentially. Over 2 billion people depend on it for their daily supply. Not only have population increases and economic growth laid claim to an ever larger share of groundwater, but the quality of the resource is also increasingly under strain. This book provides ideas on different aspects of groundwater management, ranging from areas where there is an abundance of groundwater to areas where the resource is scarce. It is aimed at various players faced with challenges in groundwater management, practitioners from local and central governments, non-governmental organizations, groundwater management projects and the users themselves.

Wageningen, NL: MetaMeta and IUCN, 2008
Physical Description: 
143p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

Call number:

Selling Price: 
USD 30
Online Metrics:

Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2022/05/24