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Comité Nacional de Miembros de España de la UICN

Non IUCN Publication

Diagnóstico y evaluación del estado de implementación de las Resoluciones y Recomendaciones de UICN aprobadas en el IV Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza, Barcelona 2008

El presente informe supone el final de un largo proceso de aportación del Comité Español de la UICN al proceso de mociones, iniciado en 2007 tras la profesionalización de la entidad y la fundación de su Oficina Técnica.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Diagnosis and assessment of the status of implementation of the Resolutions and Recommendations of IUCN approved in the 4th World Conservation Congress in Barcelona 2008

The present report means the end of a long process of contribution of the IUCN Spanish Committee to the motions process which started in 2007 after the professionalization of the entity and the foundation of its new Technical Department.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The Iberian lynx : extinction or recovery ?

This publication describes the very urgent situation regarding the Iberian Lynx. Its position on IUCN's red list as critically endangered indicates that the chances of extinction are quite real.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Manual para comprender "Cuidar la tierra"


Publication Year: 
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