This publication presents proposals from a management workshop on conservation and management measures applicable to high seas areas in the Southern Indian Ocean regarding: (i) a biodiversity initiative; (ii) the principles, objectives and process included in the draft road map developed in suppo
Cohen, Harlan
Freestone, David
Garcia, Serge
Martinez, Carole
Oral, Nilüfer
Rogers, Alex
Verlaan, Philomène
Vousden, David
Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Fisheries Expert Group
These guidelines are designed to help national administrations walk through the process of evaluating and increasing their preparedness for implementation of ballast water management measures in accordance with the International Maritime Organization Ballast Water Convention of 2004.
These guidelines are designed to help national administrations walk through the process of evaluating and increasing their preparedness for implementation of ballast water management measures in accordance with the International Maritime Organization Ballast Water Convention of 2004.
These guidelines are designed to help national administrations walk through the process of evaluating and increasing their preparedness for implementation of ballast water management measures in accordance with the International Maritime Organization Ballast Water Convention of 2004.
This manual is the product of countries requests for assistance in strengthening and developing national regulatory frameworks related to marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in particular with respect to the transfer of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water
The aim of this guideline is to aid maritime administrators, or other lead agencies working with ballast water management, to assess and quantify (as appropriate and possible) the potential economic consequences of unintended marine species introductions.
The aim of this guideline is to aid maritime administrators, or other lead agencies working with ballast water management, to assess and quantify (as appropriate and possible) the potential economic consequences of unintended marine species introductions.
Le but de cette directive est dassister les administrateurs maritimes ou dautres agences de direction travaillant sur la gestion des eaux de ballast à évaluer et quantifier autant que possible les conséquences économiques potentielles dintroductions involontaires despèces marines.
This manual is the product of countries requests for assistance in strengthening and developing national regulatory frameworks related to marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in particular with respect to the transfer of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water
Ce manuel répond à des demandes émanant de pays daide au renforcement et au développement de structures cadres de régulation liée aux Espèces Exotiques Envahissantes (EEE), en particulier en lien avec le transfert dorganismes aquatiques nuisibles et dagents pathogènes par le biais des eaux de
Este manual es la respuesta a las peticiones de los países para una estrecha colaboración y desarrollo nacional del marco regulatorio relacionado con las Especies Exótica Invasoras (EEIs) en particular en lo que se refiere a la posible transferencia de organismos potencialmente nocivos y patógeno
This publication presents a legal and institutional gap analysis of the project area, covering five seamount regions, two of which are inside proposed Benthic Protected Areas (BPAs), Atlantis Bank and Coral Seamount, and three outside BPAs.
Lugten, Gail
Verlaan, Philomène
Warner, Robin
Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
The individual and cumulative threats to and effects of the full range of human activities on marine ecosystems and biodiversity in general, and seamounts in particular, in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are still largely unknown.
Seamounts are topographic rises of the seabed with a limited extent across the summit. There is evidence that seamounts form hotspots of biological activity in the oceans. Why seamounts host abundant populations of fish and other pelagic and aquatic predators is still uncertain.
Rogers, Alex
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
University of Oxford, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, UK
Protected areas play a major role in reducing climate changing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Fifteen percent of the worlds terrestrial carbon stock - 312 gigatonnes - are stored in protected areas around the world.
Este informe, basado en 21 casos analizados, procedentes de 17 países en cuatro continentes, describe cómo los pastores lograron defender y hacer valer sus derechos sobre la tierra.
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IT
International Land Coalition (ILC), IT
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP)
Le présent rapport, basé sur 21 études de cas provenant de 17 pays de quatre continents, décrit la manière dont les pasteurs sont parvenus à défendre/faire valoir leurs droits fonciers.
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IT
International Land Coalition (ILC), IT
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP)