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World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP)

IUCN Publication

The green quarter : a decade of progress across the world in sustainable pastoralism

The World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) has now been in existence for a decade, a period during which considerable progress has been made globally towards sustainable pastoral development.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

La tierra que pacemos : una síntesis de casos de estudio sobre cómo defienden las organizaciones de pastores sus derechos sobre la tierra

Este informe, basado en 21 casos analizados, procedentes de 17 países en cuatro continentes, describe cómo los pastores lograron defender y hacer valer sus derechos sobre la tierra.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Nos terres de pâturage : une synthèse d’études de cas sur comment les organisations pastorales défendent leur droits fonciers

Le présent rapport, basé sur 21 études de cas provenant de 17 pays de quatre continents, décrit la manière dont les pasteurs sont parvenus à défendre/faire valoir leurs droits fonciers.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

The land we graze : a synthesis of case studies about how pastoralists’ organizations defend their land rights

This report, based on 21 case-studies, from 17 countries in four continents, describes how pastoralists successfully defended/asserted their land rights. The question at the outset was what elements contribute to the success of pastoralists’ securing land rights and resources.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Building climate change resilience for African livestock in sub-Saharan Africa

This study focuses on livestock production systems in Africa, as African livestock owners are thought to be among the most vulnerable populations on earth.


Publication Year: 
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