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WCC 2012 Rec 146 - Activity Report

General Information
IUCN Constituent: 
Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
IUCN Constituent type: 
IUCN Secretariat
Period covered: 
Geographic scope: 
Meso and South America
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
IUCN Members: 
IUCN Commissions: 
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2013-2016 (SSC)
IUCN Secretariat: 
Other non-IUCN related organisations: 
FAO – Fisheries and Aquaculture Departament
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Policy influencing/advocacyNick Dulvi (Co-chair of IUCN Shark Specialist Group) indicated that the operative statement of resolution 146 has happened - all three species of hammerhead have been listed on appendix II of CITES with and 18 month delay to allow implementation. ...
Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken: 
Proceso de capacitación técnica y concientización para funcionarios y organismos de Costa Rica encargados de la vigilancia y conservación de esta especie. Incidencia a nivel nacional para la aprobación de un decreto ley que contribuya con la conservación de esta especie.
Identify and briefly describe what future actions are planned for the implementation of this Resolution: 
Future ActionDescription
Education/Communication/Raising awareness
Policy influencing/advocacy