Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken:
As result of the educational efforts on disaster risk reduction related with the peace agreement, around 250 students of Environmental Engineering, mostly from low income families, have gain awareness on the importance of the peace agreement and its direct relationship with the sustainable development.
The participants of the Early Warning Systems - EWS of the 12 municipalities expressed that thanks to the project they now gained trust on the public government and also expressed that they feel less abandoned. On the other hand, at least in two of those municipalities there are testimonies about how the EWS worked correctly during different flash flood hazardous events, and as result of this there were no victims. This is especially important in municipalities that has been traditionally affected by both armed conflicts and natural hazards.
What challenges have you encountered in implementing this Resolution and what measures have you taken to overcome them?:
There is a general lack of trust in governmental initiatives related to the peace agreement, especially in Antioquia since there are several powerful actors that are against the agreement and at the same time that have strong influence in the antioquian population. On the other hand, people tend not to see the direct relationship of the peace process with the sustainable development