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WCC 2020 Res 054 - Progress Report

General information
IUCN Constituencies implementing this Resolution
IUCN Members: 
African Wildlife Foundation - Kenya HQ ( AWF ) / Kenya
National Whistleblower Center ( NWC ) / United States of America
IUCN Commissions: 
IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025 (WCEL)
IUCN Secretariat: 
Other non-IUCN related organisations: 
Multilateral institutions
Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution : 
Education/Communication/Raising awareness
Policy influencing/advocacy
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken: 
Capacity building
AWF is conducting on-going capacity building work, but no further information provided.

Education/Communication/Raising awareness
The National Whistleblower Center has broadly circulated the resolution in particular focusing on whistleblower provisions. Res 543 have been cited in a number of articles and papers. Have talked with the Secretariat focal points, the WCEL focal point and connected the AXA lead with the WCEL focal point. Communicating AZA lead.

Policy influencing/advocacy
The National Whistleblower Center is promoting and various relevant international agreements and organizations including the whistleblower provisions.

AWF donated an array of forensic investigation equipment and accessories aimed at bridging the resource gap that most trained experts have identified as high-priority items. The activity is part of AWF collaboration with KWS on four major projects to combat the illegal wildlife trade, with the Wildlife Cybercrime Investigation Program funded by the Batten Foundation being one of the highlighted programs at the handover. Part of capacity building has includes training and certification of seven KWS officers on Cellebrite (an important tool used for extracting digital evidence from mobile devices and computers). Cellebrite is the leader in digital intelligence and investigative analytics, partnering with public and private organizations to transform how they collect, review, analyze and manage data in investigations to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and ensure data security.

To date mainly public education on the role of whistleblowers in addressing wildlife trafficking and the private sector.
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome : 
The key challenge has been IUCN implementation of the requests to the DG in the resolution and lack of a clear lead in IUCN on environmental crime including natural resources crime as well as the role of the new finance and economy center.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution: 
Education/Communication/Raising awareness
Policy influencing/advocacy
Are these actions planned for yet: 
Status of implementation
Status of implementation for this Resolution: 
On-going: implementation consisting of repetitive, recurrent action (attending meetings, reporting, etc.)
Additional information