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WCC 2020 Res 114 - Progress Report

General information
IUCN Constituencies implementing this Resolution
IUCN Members: 
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency ( EEAA ) / Egypt
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères ( MEAE ) / France
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz ( BMUV ) / Germany
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico ( MITECO ) / Spain
World Wide Fund for Nature - International ( WWF ) / Switzerland
Conservation International ( CI ) / United States of America
The Nature Conservancy ( TNC ) / United States of America
IUCN Commissions: 
IUCN Climate Crisis Commission 2022-2025 (CCC)
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management 2021-2025 (CEM)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy 2021-2025 (CEESP)
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2021-2025 (SSC)
IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025 (WCEL)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025 (WCPA)
IUCN Secretariat: 
Other non-IUCN related organisations: 
Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution : 
Convene stakeholders/Networking
Policy influencing/advocacy
Scientific/technical activities
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken: 
Good progress has been achieved in the implementation of this resolution since its adoption at the Marseille Congress. Thanks to the collective efforts of the various constituent parts of IUCN (members, commissions and secretariat) and its partners, there is now concrete and explicit recognition of the deep interlinkages between the climate change and biodiversity loss crises and the critical role that nature-based solutions can play in addressing both across various policy processes. This has been particularly evident in the UNFCCC, both at COP26 in Glasgow and in COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, where the need to address the climate and biodiversity crises in an integrated and synergistic manner was clearly and strongly recognised. IUCN, on its part, has actively supported greater understanding on this, and of the various elements highlighted in the resolution, at multiple levels, including through its position papers, publications, technical briefs and other policy and programmatic engagements, and will continue to build on this effort in the future.
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome : 
Some of the specific elements called for in this resolution, such as a common learning platform, global partnership, etc. may need to be revisited to take into account recent developments such as the successful launch of the ENACT partnership by the Egyptian COP27 Presidency in collaboration with IUCN, since the latter may be well positioned to incorporate these elements.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution: 
The IUCN secretariat will continue to advance the implementation of the resolution that falls within its scope in line with the IUCN Programme 2021-2024.
Are these actions planned for yet: 
Status of implementation
Status of implementation for this Resolution: 
Underway: implementation well-advanced