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WCC 2012 Res 065 - Activity Report

General Information
IUCN Constituent: 
IUCN CEM Holarctic Steppes Specialist Group 2021-2025
IUCN Constituent type: 
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management 2021-2025
Period covered: 
Geographic scope: 
East Europe, North and Central Asia
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Other non-IUCN related organisations: 
Hustai National Park
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Convene stakeholders/NetworkingA member attended the celebration of 30 years of Takhi (=Przewalski's horse or Equus ferus przewalskii) reintroduction in Mongolia, which was a great success. Almost 1000 Przewalski's horses are now roaming at three different reintroduction sites. Moreover, they are a key factor in maintenance of healthy steppe ecosystems. Hustai National Park in Mongolia was created specifically for the reintroduction of Takhi, and in addition to the success of this reintroduction, 1000 Mongolian Gazelle have colonized the park and over 100 Argali sheep. The park is a source for reintroduction of Red Deer and Marmots in other protected areas in Mongolia where they (almost) became extinct. Website: https://savethewildhorse.org/en/30th-anniversary-of-the-reintroduction-of-wild-horses/On-going
Identify and briefly describe what future actions are planned for the implementation of this Resolution: