Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken:
Progress of CEM-CEESP Natural capital Task force to progress Resolution #120 Towards a Policy on Natural Capital Tasks carried out by Focal Point (FP) to progress above resolution from November 2021 -June 2023 Notes - FC = Nicholas Conner, CEM and CEESP Focal point for Resolution #120 Towards a Policy on Natural Capital, and Lead, Natural Capital Task Force (NCTF) AA = Angela Andrade, Chair Commission on Ecosystem Management KPW= Kristen Painemilla Walker, Chair Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy ESTG = CEM ecosystem Services Thematic Group, Co-Lead Simone Maynard. IUCN Chief Economist = Juha Siikamäki 1. FP developed draft TORs for NCTF 2. TORs provided, to and reviewed by, Chair CEM (AA) and Chair CEESP (KPW). 3. Draft TORS were provided to the lead CEM ESTG, and an external expert from Conservation International. 4. FC discussed possible members of NCTF with AA and KPW, and potential list created. 5. Potential members include 1 member from CEESP, 2 members from CEM, the above independent technical advisor, and the IUCN Chief Economist, as well as the FC as NCTF lead (FC being a member of CEESP and CEM). 6. The above Invitees
What challenges have you encountered in implementing this Resolution and what measures have you taken to overcome them?:
Difficulty in task force members fining time to contrbute to work of task forceci