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From care to action : making a sustainable world

Complete Title: 
From care to action : making a sustainable world
Non IUCN Publication




Sir Martin Holdgate, former IUCN Director General, was a principal author of both the "World conservation strategy" and "Caring for the earth". In this book, he brings his unrivalled experience to the task of reviewing progress to date and examining what now needs to be done. He argues that we must work for change at every level, from our understanding of our place in relation to nature and the values we put on it, up to a reformed economic structure and new social institutions. When individuals have the relevant information and the power to act on it within their own communities, our prospects for the future may be transformed. This powerfully written and thought provoking book, by one of the worlds leading environmentalists, will be useful for students and researchers in the field, as well as of value to all those interested in the environment and conservation.

London : Earthscan, 1996
Physical Description: 
xvii, 346p. (paperback)
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Previously titled: Caring for the Earth and its people : a review of action to Care for the Earth.

Call number:

Online Metrics:

Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/06/19