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Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)

IUCN Publication

Resilience of coastal systems and their human partners

This report explains the ecology and social profile of coastal systems in Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania in order to contribute to the development of effective strategies to enhance the resilience of marine and coastal systems in the Western Indian Ocean.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Systematic approaches to livelihoods enhancement and diversification : a review of global experiences



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Sustainable livelihoods enhancement and diversification (SLED) : a manual for practitioners

The Sustainable Livelihoods Enhancement and Diversification (SLED) approach has been developed through building on the lessons of past livelihoods research projects as well as worldwide experience in livelihood improvement and participatory development practice.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Managing marine and coastal protected areas : a toolkit for South Asia

Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs), in their variety of forms and scales, are seen as one of the solutions to threats facing the coastal and marine environment, while contributing to the long-term sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities, their cultures and their economies.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Coastal oceans research and development in the Indian Ocean : status report 2008

The CORDIO programme, which started in 1999 as a pragmatic response to the impacts of global warming on coral reefs, has over the years improved our knowledge and management of coral reefs.


Publication Year: 
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