The ocean on which Earth depends for relatively predictable weather, temperature and provisioning of goods and services is now changing more rapidly than it has for millions of years.
The value and role of mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses for climate change mitigation was established back in 2009 by reports by IUCN and UNEP to focus attention on addressing a critical gap in national carbon accounting and management.
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
Toutefois, le nombre d'aires marines protégées (AMPs) étant bien inférieur à celui des aires protégées terrestres, le manque d'expérience complexifie le processus d'application des catégories aux AMP. L'application des catégories aux AMP a souvent été inexacte et contradictoire.
Day, Jon
Dudley, Nigel
Hockings, Marc
Holmes, G.
Laffoley, D.
Stolton, Sue
Wells, Sue
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
Sin embargo, con el menor número de áreas protegidas marinas (AMPs) en comparación con las áreas protegidas terrestres, hay menos experiencia y comprensión de la aplicación de las categorías a las AMPs. La aplicación de las categorías a las AMPs ha sido a menudo imprecisa e inconsistente.
Day, Jon
Dudley, Nigel
Hockings, Marc
Holmes, G.
Laffoley, D.
Stolton, Sue
Wells, Sue
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
With the smaller number of marine protected areas (MPAs) compared with terrestrial protected areas, there is less experience and understanding of applying the categories to MPAs. Application of the categories to MPAs has often been inaccurate and inconsistent.
Day, Jon
Dudley, Nigel
Hockings, Marc
Holmes, G.
Laffoley, D.
Stolton, Sue
Wells, Sue
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
Through presentations, discussions and recommendations the workshop documented and described the cumulative effects of such impacts, how these commonly act in a negatively synergistic way, and why therefore concerted action is now needed to address the consequences set out in this report.
Rogers, Alex
Laffoley, D.
IUCN, Marine Programme
International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO)
IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA)
Development and implementation of blue carbon-based activities now requires strategic policy and incentive mechanisms for coastal conservation, restoration and sustainable use, and and disincentives to drain or damage coastal systems. Currently no broad, strategic program exists to achieve this.
This report builds on these and other efforts to bring to light the important carbon sequestration potential of coastal wetlands, and the significant and largely unaccounted for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from the disturbance, drainage, and conversion of these natural coastal carbon
This guide answers key questions about ocean acidification and discusses the degree of certainty of the international scientific community about what is already happening to the ocean, what the future may hold for the ocean in a high carbon dioxide (CO2) world, and the possible consequences of oc
Laffoley, D.
Baxter, J. M.
Ocean Acidification Reference User Group (RUG), MC
This guide answers key questions about ocean acidification and discusses the degree of certainty of the international scientific community about what is already happening to the ocean, what the future may hold for the ocean in a high carbon dioxide (CO2) world, and the possible consequences of oc
Laffoley, D.
Baxter, J. M.
Ocean Acidification Reference User Group (RUG), MC
This guide answers key questions about ocean acidification and discusses the degree of certainty of the international scientific community about what is already happening to the ocean, what the future may hold for the ocean in a high carbon dioxide (CO2) world, and the possible consequences of oc
Laffoley, D.
Baxter, J. M.
Ocean Acidification Reference User Group (RUG), MC
This guide answers key questions about ocean acidification and discusses the degree of certainty of the international scientific community about what is already happening to the ocean, what the future may hold for the ocean in a high carbon dioxide (CO2) world, and the possible consequences of oc
Laffoley, D.
Baxter, J. M.
Ocean Acidification Reference User Group (RUG), MC
The World Heritage Convention is a principal protection mechanism available to recognise and protect the very best marine sites around the globe. A key step to targeted application of the Convention has now been made by the creation of the Bahrain Action Plan for marine World Heritage.
Laffoley, D.
Langley, Josephine
Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco), BH
Bahrain, [Government]
Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, BE
Gulf Air, BH
Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co., BH
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN, Global Marine Programme
IUCN, Protected Areas Programme
IUCN, Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA)
PERSGA - Organisation for the Conservation and Environment for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, SA
Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Gulf
All people, regardless of where they live, depend upon the existence of healthy marine ecosystems. While the role that Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can play in promoting the health of the oceans and seas has been widely acknowledged, progress on building a network of MPAs has been slow to date.
This report focuses on the management of natural coastal carbon sinks. There is a lack of recognition and focus on coastal marine ecosystems to complement activities already well advanced on land to address the best practice management of carbon sinks.
All people, regardless of where they live, depend upon the existence of healthy marine ecosystems. While the role that Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can play in promoting the health of the oceans and seas has been widely acknowledged, progress on building a network of MPAs has been slow to date.