The UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972 set the contemporary standard for cultural and natural conservation. Today, a place on the World Heritage List is much sought after for tourism promotion, development funding, and national prestige.
The purpose of this study on seamount and hydrothermal vent ecosystems is to review the state of knowledge on the subject matter in order to better guide decision-making processes to develop and implement conservation and sustainable management measures, as well as to discuss knowledge gaps and p
Zucchi, Sara
Ternon, Jean-François
Demarcq, Hervé
Ménard, Frédéric
Guduff, Sabrina
Spadone, Aurélie
IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial (FFEM), FR
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), FR
Issues of women’s participation and gender equality in the governance of shared waters have received insufficient attention to date in both the research and practice literature, yet action is happening on the ground.
The Restoration Opportunities Optimization Tool (ROOT) was developed out of a need to more efficiently and effectively communicate the importance of ecosystem services to decision makers.
Volume 8 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World (HMW) contains an unusual compilation of important but smaller orders that we now know have either distant or nearly no taxonomic relationships. They include armadillos, sloths and anteaters.
A Future in Ruins is the story of UNESCO's efforts to save the world's heritage and, in doing so, forge an international community dedicated to peaceful co-existence and conservation.
PANORAMA is a partnership initiative to facilitate learning from success in conservation. It promotes examples of inspiring solutions that showcase how nature conservation can benefit society.
Blue Solutions
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Increasing interest in measuring, modelling and valuing ecosystem services (ES), the benefits that ecosystems provide to people, has resulted in the development of an array of ES assessment tools in recent years. Selecting an appropriate tool for measuring and modelling ES can be challenging.
Les 'espèces envahissantes' (souvent appelées ravageurs, mauvaises herbes ou même maladies) sont des plantes, des animaux, des agents pathogènes et d’autres organismes qui sont délibérément ou involontairement emmenés au-delà de leur aire de répartition naturelle par des personnes et qui devienne
IUCN Global Species Programme
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
Caribbean Invasive Alien Species Network (CIASNET)
Western Indian Ocean Network on Invasive Species (WIONIS)
‘Invasive species’ (often called pests, weeds and diseases) are plants, animals, disease agents and other organisms taken beyond their natural range by people, deliberately or unintentionally, and which become destructive to the environment or human livelihoods.
IUCN Global Species Programme
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
Caribbean Invasive Alien Species Network (CIASNET)
Western Indian Ocean Network on Invasive Species (WIONIS)
L’analyse de situation se concentre principalement sur les palmiers à huile dans le contexte de la conservation de la biodiversité à partir de la littérature publiée avant le 31 janvier 2018, et vise à fournir une alternative constructive pour relever les défis de durabilité rencontrés par l’indu
The situation analysis primarily focuses on oil palm in the context of biodiversity conservation based on literature published before 31 January 2018, and aims to provide a constructive pathway to addressing sustainability challenges in the palm oil industry.
The protection and revival of degraded and deforested land is the need of the hour. In order to tackle the issues that arise as a consequence of degradation and deforestation, principles of forest landscape restoration are being globally promoted.
Borah, B.
Bhattacharjee, A.
Ishwar, N.M.
IUCN India
India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
A wide ranging, comprehensive, and multi-disciplinary study, this is the first book that focuses on the challenges posed by climate change impacts on the all small island developing states, not just those in a specific region. As the global effects of climate change become increasingly evident an
Transforming Multilateral Diplomacy provides the inside view of the negotiations that produced the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Not only did this process mark a sea change in how the UN conducts multilateral diplomacy, it changed the way the UN does its business.
More than 1.5 billion smallholders throughout the world depend on forest landscapes to produce food, fuel, timber and non-wood forest products to meet their subsistence needs and generate cash income. Despite the large number of smallholders and the large collective scale of their production, pol
Verdone, Michael
IUCN, Global Forest and Climate Change Programme
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
La biodiversidad y el carbono orgánico en los suelos determinan en gran medida el papel de la tierra en la producción de alimentos, el almacenamiento de agua, y la mitigación del cambio climático.
La biodiversité des sols et le carbone déterminent en grande partie le rôle de la terre dans la production de nourriture, le stockage de l’eau et l’atténuation des changements climatiques.
Soil biodiversity and soil organic carbon are vital to the way ecosystems function and they largely determine the role of land in producing food, storing water, and mitigating climate change. This report highlights how soil organic carbon and soil biodiversity provide the foundation for terrestri
Los sitios naturales de Patrimonio Mundial se reconocen internacionalmente por representar la principal prioridad mundial para la conservación de la naturaleza. Incluyen lugares como el Serengeti, la Gran Barrera de Coral y las Islas Galápagos.
The objective of this report is to analyse the potential for enhancing synergies among the biodiversityrelated conventions and to develop a set of practical options for synergies in Bahrain.
The ocean on which Earth depends for relatively predictable weather, temperature and provisioning of goods and services is now changing more rapidly than it has for millions of years.
Biodiversity is inherent in forest landscape restoration. As global initiatives like the Bonn Challenge and New York Declaration on Forests inspire nations to pursue sustainable landscapes and economic growth, on the ground, biodiversity binds people and nature to their shared future.
This updated publication is an effort to publicize the plight of tortoises and freshwater turtles by highlighting those species that are at the highest risk of extinction, in hopes that by calling greater attention to these magnifcent animals, we can help generate more international attention, mo
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
Die Naturschutzbewegung ist seit rund 100 Jahren breitenwirksam. Der Österreichische Naturschutzbund betrachtet sich – mit zunehmender Anzahl von Schwesterorganisationen – von Anfang an als impulsgebender Motor. In den frühen Jahren des 20.
Beautiful and dramatic, UK peatlands are evocative landscapes home to rare and endangered wildlife, as well as rich in cultural history. The UK’s first collaborative Peatland Strategy has been developed by the IUCN UK Peatland Programme to capture and embed, for the long term, a shared vision for
United Kingdom National Committee of IUCN Members, Peatland Programme