Cette note d'information a pour objet d'aider les pays à reconnaître et à soutenir les territoires et les aires du patrimoine conservés par les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales (APAC), en restant sensibles et respectueux des nombreuses questions en cause.
Borrini, Grazia
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
This Briefing Note is intended to assist countries and policy-makers to recognise and support ICCAs (territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities) in a manner that is sensitive to and respectful of the many issues involved.
Borrini, Grazia
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
The aim of this project, which was commissioned by the CITES Secretariat, was to compile up-to-date information on current trade in Saiga products and derivatives, focusing on some key areas.
Meibom, Stephanie von
Vaisman, Alexey
Neo Liang, Song Horng
Ng, Julia
Xu, Hongfa
The Rufford Foundation
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Secretariat
The European Eel Anguilla anguilla is a commercially important species that is threatened with extinction. International trade has been identified as a principal factor in this species's decline. This report aims to provide up to date information on trade in A.
With a large percentage of the worlds population moving to urban areas, clean, affordable and timely supply of drinking and domestic water to its residents has become a priority.
The book illustrates that sacred natural sites, although often under threat, exist within and outside formally recognised protected areas, heritage sites. Sacred natural sites may well be some of the last strongholds for building resilient networks of connected landscapes.
The report reflects the progress made by BBP last year. The stories selected are a balanced representation of BBP's work in 2009 to deliver the IUCN programme for 2009-2012.
Recent studies have brought to light a series of interacting and complex relationships, many with negative feedback loops, between HIV/AIDS and the environment. A comprehensive examination of these relationships and analyses of the quality and breadth of the evidence are lacking.
Bolton, Susan M.
Talman, Anna
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
This briefing discusses the human rights impact of conservation policies and the role of non-governmental and international conservation organizations in protecting human rights while supporting conservation initiatives.
Oviedo, Gonzalo
Pabón, Luis
Painter, Michael
Redford, Kent H.
Roe, Dilys
Siegele, Linda
Springer, Jenny
Thomas, David
Walker-Painemilla, Kristen
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Cette publication ambitieuse se concentre sur les leçons apprises pendant dix ans d'approches appliquées de la conservation dans le cadre du Programme régional pour l'environnement en Afrique centrale (CARPE), qui opère dans neuf pays couvrant l'intégralité du Bassin du Congo.
Angu, Kenneth
Tchamou, Nicodème
Yanggen, David
Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)
This children's book describes mangroves and all the essential services they provide: livelihoods for coastal communities, shelter for rich biodiversity, absorption of CO2, providing clean water, and protection from storms, hurricanes and tsunamis.
This report builds on the outcomes of the Ghana REDD-plus readiness field dialogue, held in Ghana in November 2009. Chapter 2 captures the context and status of REDD-plus readiness in Ghana. Chapter 3 highlights lessons learned from international and local experiences.
The project "Ecologically and Socio Economically sound Coastal Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Conservation in Tsunami Affected Countries of the Indian Ocean" aimed to facilitate coastal ecosystem rehabilitation and conservation activities in critically degraded and threatened ecosystems i
This assessment is the first overview of the conservation status of 877 northern African freshwater species belonging to five taxonomic groupsfish, molluscs, dragonflies and damselflies, freshwater crabs and aquatic plantsin accordance with the IUCN regional Red List guidelines.
Great ape tourism, if well implemented, can serve to conserve the species but it can also have considerable negative impacts if it is not based on sound conservation principles.
Macfie, Elizabeth J.
Williamson, Elizabeth A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
This ambitious publication focuses on lessons learned from ten years of applied conservation approaches of the Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE), which operates in nine countries spanning the entire Congo Basin.
Angu, Kenneth
Tchamou, Nicodème
Yanggen, David
Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)
This report is the third in an annual series on emerging trends in Chinas wildlife trade. that aim to highlight wildlife trade trends in threatened and at-risk wildlife, with an emphasis on the impact of Chinas trade on globally important biodiversity hotspots.
El análisis y la interacción con socios involucrados en transacciones relacionadas con servicios ambientales y políticas y leyes conexas en los últimos 10 años, han evidenciado una clara necesidad de comprender mejor los marcos jurídicos e institucionales que tienen el potencial de favorecer o en
Les Aires Marines Protégées (AMPs) dAfrique de lOuest tiennent enfin, avec ce guide pratique, leur outil démancipation. Il est temps de structurer les approches et passer à la vitesse supérieure en matière de gouvernance partagée et gestion conjointe des aires protégées.
Borrini, Grazia
Chatelain, Christian
Hosch, Gilles
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
The Situation Analyses of the Wami and Ruvu (including coastal rivers) sub-basins were produced as separate analyses of the status, conditions and key issues affecting ecosystems in each basin using existing available information.
Ngana, J.
Mahay, Florence
Cross, Katharine
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Programme
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
The Situation Analyses of the Wami and Ruvu (including coastal rivers) sub-basins were produced as separate analyses of the status, conditions and key issues affecting ecosystems in each basin using existing available information.
Ngana, J.
Mahay, Florence
Cross, Katharine
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Programme
IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
This publication synthesizes information on IUCN's work in this domain, particularly highlighting programmatic work in projects at local and national level, implemented by IUCN's Global thematic and Regional Programmes and Commissions.
Willetts, Elizabeth
Guadagno, Lorenzo
Ikkala Nyman, Ninni
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
This report provides a summary for the business community, illustrated with examples from a range of companies and sectors. It asks: what are the risks and opportunities to business of ecological change? What is business currently doing about biodiversity and ecosystem services?
Bishop, Joshua
European Commission
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Norway, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Norway, [Government]
Sweden, SIDA
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative
United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
One of the challenges facing great ape conservation is the rising level of interaction between humans and great apes, and the resulting conflicts that emerge.
Hockings, Kimberley
Humle, Tatyana
Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
This report documents different approaches to conservation of medicinal plants and traditional knowledge in Bolipara union of Thanchi upazila of Bandarban hill district.
In the last decade biodiversity loss and persistent poverty in developing countries have been recognised as major international problems that require urgent attention.
Elliott, Joanna
Roe, Dilys
African Wildlife Foundation, KE
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Designed by a partnership of UN agencies, international scientific organizations, and development agencies, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) is the most extensive study ever of the linkages between the world's ecosystems and human well-being.
"The book presents an overview of how the IUCN Conservation Centre provides innovative solutions in terms of its environmental, economic and social performance, in addition to creating a truly aesthetic and functional built environment.
"The book presents an overview of how the IUCN Conservation Centre provides innovative solutions in terms of its environmental, economic and social performance, in addition to creating a truly aesthetic and functional built environment.
This booklet documents the achievements of selected projects of the Mangroves for the Future (MFF) Small Grants Programme in Sri Lanka, with emphasis on drawing lessons to improve future project performance.
Esta publicación tiene por objeto ayudar a los funcionarios de gobierno a fortalecer su capacidad de negociación y promover la cooperación entre actores estatales en el ámbito de los recursos hídricos compartidos.
Iza, Alejandro
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
The eastern chimpanzee is classified as endangered and of global conservation concern. This publication offers a 10-year plan which, if fully implemented, will go a long way to ensuring the maintenance of viable populations of the eastern chimpanzee across much of its existing range.
<p>Llamamos el Mar de Alborán la zona marítima que es la entrada y salida del Mar Mediterráneo y el punto de contacto entre Europa y África. Es un área muy rica en biodiversidad y por lo tanto requiere una protección y gestión eficaz.
Robles, Rafael
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Spain, Diputación de Malaga, Medio Ambiente y Articulación Territorial
The Mediterranean Sea is a highly variable and dynamic environment, with very high biologic diversity. However, human activities have a large impact on this environment and sometimes lead to permanent ecosystem shifts.
Würtz, Maurizio
France, Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer
France, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)