El presente libro recoge las ponencias presentadas en el Primer Simposio "Mujeres Indígenas en los Escenarios de la Biodiversidad", algunas como transcripciones del Simposio y otras como artículos escritos por las ponentes.
Escobar, Elsa Matilda
Escobar, Pía
Pazmiño, Aracely
Ulloa, Astrid
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Fundación Natura de Colombia, CO
Colombia, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia
Resume las principales características y experiencias de la participación de la sociedad en la gestión de las áreas protegidas en Nicaragua, así como su marco legal e institucional.
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Nicaragua, Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Resume las principales características y experiencias de participación de la sociedad civil en la gestión de las áreas naturales protegidas; incluye además, el marco insitucional y legal en El Salvador.
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
El Salvador, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
This report Gaining public acceptance is one of the four products of the dialogue on dams and development Phase II facilitated by IUCN Nepal since 2002 and participated in by government institutions, national and international non-governmental organizations, academicians, private compani
Shrestha, Sugam
Singh, Anju
Singh, D. B.
Development Based Services Consultancy
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Propuesta para iniciar un diálogo entre usuarios del agua, interesados en la determinación preliminar del caudal de agua del Río Tempisque, de manera que sea el apropiado para mantener las poblaciones bióticas viables y a un nivel tal que mantengan procesos ecológicos que aseguren el nivel de bi
Lake Naivasha is a rare example of a designated Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) where the mandate to manage the site resides with the local community. Community members led the effort to seek designation for the site and develop a management plan.
The Comprehensive Options Assessment for Electricity Sector in Nepal analyzes the demand and supply scenario of electricity, water resources policies, environmental concerns of funding agencies, and the comprehensive options assessment in relation to different guidelines.
Pokharel, J. C.
IUCN Nepal
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, US
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Reflexiones sobre el estado de la política forestal a nivel regional y nacional. Contiene además una serie de propuestas y acciones prácticas para trabajar en el gran desafío de asegurar la sostenibilidad ambiental en los países centroamericanos.
Rodríguez Quirós, Jorge Eduardo
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
Constituye una recopilación preliminar de información sobre los recursos hídricos de la zona Sur de Ahuachapán: registros históricos y recientes sobre las características de las cuencas y drenajes, calidad de agua, usuarios de agua para riego y consumo humano.
Ofrece información detallada sobre los usos del agua, sus principales interesados y cómo inciden en la calidad y cantidad de este recurso. Señala además, las razones de conflictos por el uso de este recurso y quiénes pueden incidir para orientar un uso eficiente y sostenible del agua.
An environmental flow is the water regime provided within a river, wetland or coastal zone to maintain ecosystems and their benefits where there are competing water uses and where flows are regulated.
Water ecosystems have long been perceived by decision makers as having little value simply because their economic value is poorly understood and rarely articulated.
Among the various innovative instruments linked to the Kyoto Protocol is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which offers developed countries a chance to offset some of their greenhouse gas emissions by funding development projects in areas such as renewable energy and forestry.
Manguiat, Maria Socorro Z.
Verheyen, Roda
Mackensen, Jens
Scholz, Gerald
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
The Lunama and Kalametiya lagoons are located on the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka. Part of the Dry Zone of the country, their importance led to their being designated in 1984 as a Sanctuary under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance.
Great uncertainty typically surrounds decisions and management actions in the conservation of biodiversity and natural resource management, and yet there are risks of serious and irreversible harm for both biodiversity and the humans that rely on it.
The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress held in 2003 in Durban, South Africa was host to a stream of workshops dedicated to the broad topic of building support for protected areas.
The first in a series of guides to the natural environments of St. Eustatius (Statia), Saba and St. Maarten, this book describes the reptiles and amphibians of these islands.
There is an urgent need for concrete steps to foster the mutual supportiveness of the objectives embodied in the Convention on Biological Diversity and multilateral trade rules under the World Trade Organization. Intellectual property is one area of debate where such efforts could be undertaken.
Chouchena-Rojas, Martha
Ruiz Muller, Manuel
Vivas Eugui, David
Winkler, Sebastian
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), CH
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI), FR
Dans le bleu profond de la mer, du Groenland aux îles polynésiennes, se cachent des paysages d'une beauté insoupçonnée, un monde mal connu qui occupe les trois quarts du globe.
Ballesta, Laurent
Descamp, Pierre
Hulot, Nicolas
Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la nature et l'homme, FR
This volume is a companion to The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development. Here the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law assembles for the first time a volume of legal instruments which can be recognized as constituting the core of the law of energy for sustainable development.
The research focus for the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law in 2003 was a timely and challenging one, entitled 'The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development'. As contemporary world politics demonstrates, energy resources and generation are crucial issues facing the international community.
Since the 1998 coral bleaching and mortality, which affected reefs throughout the tropics, a number of projects dealing with research, monitoring and management of coral reefs have been conducted.
Lindén, Olof
Souter, David
Sweden, SIDA
University of Kalmar, Department of Biology and Environmental Science, SE
Livestock are commonly kept in many refugee situations and, in many instances, form an important part of community activities. They are also a fundamental requirement in many returnee situations given the broad range of products which they can provide.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Few occasions rival the circumstances experienced in a refugee situation. At the same time, overcrowded refugee camps often have an immediate effect on the surrounding environment.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Le Ve Congrès mondial sur les parcs de lUICN a été le plus grand rassemblement consacré aux aires protégées, En septembre 2003, près de 3000 participants se sont réunis à Durban (Afrique du Sud) en vue de 10 jours de réflexion, déchanges, de débats et de travail en réseau afin de faire la bilan
La flore des îles de la Méditerranée comprend de nombreuses espèces endémiques rares et localisées. Certaines sont particulièrement menacées d'extinction en raison des multiples pressions engendrées par l'homme et ses activités sur les écosystèmes méditerranéens.
Montmollin, Bertrand de
Strahm, Wendy
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group
The decade from 1966 to 1976 was a tumultuous time in the history of the Lower Mekong Basin, with three of the four countries at war. Remarkably, this was also a time of major planning for developing the agricultural production systems of the region.