This report summarizes the discussions of the Workshop on Alien Invasive Species held in Montreal (CA) during the WCC October 13-23, 1996. This report is produced to foster implementation of multi-party objectives concerning management of alien invasive species globally.
Outlines the needs for, and benefits of, economic valuation techniques as applied to wetlands and development projects intended to alter them, and describes some of these techniques in detail.
Acreman, Michael C.
Barbier, Edward B.
Knowler, Duncan
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
The Convention on biological diversity was drafted with in mind the conservation of the world's natural resources, their sustainable use and the equal sharing of their benefits.
Stone, David
Ringwood, Kristina
Vorhies, Frank
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), CH
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is widely recognised as one of Africa's longest-standing experiments in multiple land-use promoting both natural resource conservation and pastoral development in northern Tanzania.
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN, Protected Areas Programme
Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Fishponds represent a rich natural and cultural heritage of tremendous importance and are of great economic value to the regions in which they are found. This is particularly true of the fishponds found in Central and Eastern Europe, some of which were established 5 and 600 years ago.
Wild caprinae, including sheep and goats, are an extremely valuable group of mammals. While most live in mountains, some inhabit desert grasslands, tropical forests or even arctic tundra.
Shackleton, David M.
Chicago Zoological Society, US
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Caprinae Specialist Group
There are currently three species of Asian rhino: the Indian or greater one-horned Asian rhino, the Javan or lesser one-horned Asian rhino and the Sumatran or Asian two-horned rhino. Today, all three are threatened with extinction and two, the Sumatran rhino and Javan rhino, critically so.
Foose, Thomas J.
Mohd. Khan bin Momin Khan
Strien, Nico J. van
Chicago Zoological Society, US
International Rhino Foundation
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Asian Rhino Specialist Group
Adopted at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the Convention on biological diversity has now been ratified by over 160 countries and forms the backbone of many of the biodiversity activities that have taken place over the last five years.
A series of regional reviews of multi-sectoral strategies for sustainability at the national, provincial, and local levels, complementing the volune on "Strategies for national sustainable development".
Carew-Reid, Jeremy
IUCN, Strategies for Sustainability Programme
IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning
World Resources Institute (WRI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
A series of regional reviews of multi-sectoral strategies for sustainability at the national, provincial, and local levels, complementing the volume on "Strategies for national sustainable development".
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
International Development Research Centre, CA
IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning
This book offers an innovative and refreshing look at forest conservation in Palawan Island, the Philippines, where the indigenous Batak peoples make a living from shifting cultivation and collection of non-timber forest products.
This guide serves as a resource for policy makers and staff of conservation and population organizations who wish to integrate population dynamics into environmental planning for sustainable development.
The rationale for this three-volume work covering nearly 250 major sites for conservation of plant diversity worldwide is concern about rapid global loss and degradation of natural ecosystems.
Davis, Stephen D.
Heywood, Vernon
European Communities, Commission
Smithsonian Institution, US
United Kingdom, Overseas Development Administration
Des zones côtières d'une grande valeur subissent les pressions de plus en plus fortes de la pollution, de la croissance démographique et du tourisme. La demande croissante de ressources côtières qui, elles, sont limitées, engendre des conflits entre des groupes d'utilisateurs concurrents.
Our Stolen Future examines the ways that certain synthetic chemicals interfere with hormonal messages involved in the control of growth and development, especially in the fetus. Our Stolen Future explores the scientific discovery of endocrine disruption.
Los pueblos indígenas de América Latina viven una compleja realidad jurídica. Este libro interesa a los indígenas porque la relación entre los Estados Nacionales y los pueblos indígenas es una tema no resuelto todavía.
As the need increases for sound estimates of impending rates of animal and plant species extinction, scientists must have a firm grounding in the qualitative and quantitative methods required to make the best possible predictions. Extinction Rates offers the most wide-ranging and practic
Rights to Nature is a nontechnical, interdisciplinary introduction to the systems of rights, rules, and responsibilities that guide and control human use of the environment. The book provides a valuable synthesis of information on how property rights develop, why they develop in certain
Folke, Carl
Hanna, Susan
Mäler, Karl-Göran
Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics
Community forestry aims to recognise the dependence of rural communities on forests by giving local people who use the forests the responsibility to manage them. By doing this a sustainable supply of forest products for rural communities can be achieved.
Bond, Denise
Ingles, A. W.
Jackson, W. J.
Malla, Yam B.
Singh, Hukum B.
Australia, AusAID
Nepal-Australia Community Forestry Project (NACFP)
Community forestry aims to recognise the dependence of rural communities on forests by giving local people who use the forests the responsibility to manage them. By doing this a sustainable supply of forest products for rural communities can be achieved.
Bond, Denise
Ingles, A. W.
Jackson, W. J.
Malla, Yam B.
Singh, Hukum B.
Australia, AusAID
Nepal-Australia Community Forestry Project (NACFP)
Community forestry aims to recognise the dependence of rural communities on forests by giving local people who use the forests the responsibility to manage them. By doing this a sustainable supply of forest products for rural communities can be achieved.
Bond, Denise
Ingles, A. W.
Jackson, W. J.
Malla, Yam B.
Singh, Hukum B.
Australia, AusAID
Nepal-Australia Community Forestry Project (NACFP)
Community forestry aims to recognise the dependence of rural communities on forests by giving local people who use the forests the responsibility to manage them. By doing this a sustainable supply of forest products for rural communities can be achieved.
Bond, Denise
Ingles, A. W.
Jackson, W. J.
Malla, Yam B.
Singh, Hukum B.
Australia, AusAID
Nepal-Australia Community Forestry Project (NACFP)
This book is a compilation of news reports and feature articles published in various dailies and weeklies between April 1995 and August 1996 on the present status of the country's endangered wildlife, rare wild species, their habitat destruction, human and ecological pressure on their food and ha
Shrestha, Nabina
Shrestha, Rabin
IUCN Nepal
Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists, NP
Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)