En août 1994, à la suite de diverses études, de judicieuses ouvertures faites dans la digue latérale du barrage de Maga ont permis dalimenter à nouveau le Logomatya et de réamorcer ainsi linondation de la plaine de Waza Logone.
The third volume of this series examines the importance of Adaptive Management in promoting sustainable use. A wide variety of papers selected from two major conferences on Adaptive Management are presented.
This is the first comprehensive environmental law book based primarily on materials from Asia and the Pacific, designed to provide appropriate resources for academics and other trainers in environmental law in the region.
The link between protected areas and tourism is as old as the history of protected areas. Though the relationship is complex and sometimes adversarial, tourism is always a critical component to consider in the establishment and management of protected areas.
Protected areas are conservation instruments created to protect a countrys natural resources. But, protected areas also constitute important tools for equity development among the populations settled within and around protected areas.
Live wild animals are confiscated by local, regional and national authorities for a variety of reasons. Once they have taken possession of these animals, these authorities must dispose of them responsibly, in a timely and efficient manner.
Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, AE
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
A publication from IUCNs Commission on Education and Communication (CEC), this book tells the stories of people who work with communities to motivate them to create a more sustainable future.
Tilbury, Daniella
Stevenson, Robert B.
Fien, John
Schreuder, Danie
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
The dugong (Dugong dugon) is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly marine. It has a range spanning some 37 countries, including tropical and subtropical coastal and island waters. This plan presents a global overview of the status of the dugong and its management throughout its range.
Eros, Carole
Hugues, Joanna
Marsh, H. (Helene)
Penrose, Helen
Cooperative Research Centre for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, AU
Communication and co-operation among all conservation bodies and concerned individuals are vital to effective conservation and to securing the funding and other resources needed.
In this insightful account of her solo voyage in a sixteen-foot kayak, Jennifer Hahn vividly relates the ecstatic moments and terrifying predicaments of paddling against the wind through Alaska's Inside Passage.
Für alle, die in den Alpen unterwegs sind: Allgemein verständlich und doch wissenschaftlich korrekt vermittelt Lebenswelt Alpen Naturphänomene und Zusammenhänge, denen man in den Bergen auf Schritt und Tritt begegnet:
Il Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe ha pubblicato lo studio "Risorse genetiche agrarie in Italia". In oltre 200 pagine la ricerca illustra la situazione delle risorse genetiche di animali da allevamento e piante coltivate in Italia.
Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe, CH
This book provides information for the identification of the fishes of Laos. All species known from Laotian waters to date are illustrated by colour photographs. Data on the known distributions and habitats are included, as well as indications on synonyms and previous misidentifications.
Kottelat, Maurice
IUCN, Regional Biodiversity Programme for South and Southeast Asia
The impacts of oil palm plantations have been widely ignored, and given widespread promotion of these plantations throughout the tropics, the World Rainforest Movement decided to bring together research and local struggles in this book, aimed as a tool for action.
More than any other place on Earth, the Galápagos Islands are the workshop of evolution. Isolated and desolate, they were largely overlooked by early explorers until Charles Darwin arrived there in the 1830's.
The report gives an account of Ireland's natural heritage or biodiversity, starting with the legislative framework designed to protect it, and presents a brief portrait of some of the contry's more important habitats and elements of her flora and fauna.
La degradación ambiental, producto de un conjunto de actividades económicas, entre ellas la agricultura, produce efectos negativos sobre la salud de las personas comprometiendo, de esta forma, el desarrollo sostenible.
Sandia, Luis A.
Cabeza, Miguel A.
Arandia, Johnny
Bianchi, Guillermo
Fundación Polar, VE
Centro Interamericano de Desarrollo Integral de Aguas y Tierras
Es libro es una colleción de diez articulos cientificos que tratan diferentes aspectos de la Amazonia tales como el clima, uso de tierras, boques y madera, gente y biodiversidad, peces, agroforesteria, reservas naturales y politicas de desarrollo sostenible.
The reduction of world poverty is a major challenge for the international community over the next decade. It is increasingly clear that the our capacity to successfully achieve this objective will be undermined if the natural resource base for development is threatened.
Koziell, Izabella
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development), Biodiversity and Livelihoods Group
<p>This book aims to build a better understanding of how to build on the opportunities -- and how to reduce the risks -- that biodiversity presents to the achievement of sustainable livelihoods for all.
Koziell, Izabella
Saunders, Jacqueline
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development), Biodiversity and Livelihoods Group