This guide aims at making accessible the main concepts and methods of economic valuation of the monetary value of goods and services rendered by natural ecosystems in general. This text is designed for all actors involved in the economic valuation of ecological services.
L’objectif de ce guide est de rendre accessible les principaux concepts et méthodes d’évaluation économique de la valeur monétaire des biens et services des écosystèmes naturels en général. Ce guide s’adresse à tous les acteurs impliqués dans l’évaluation économique des services écologiques.
This book describes how the four-year GEF-funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” was instrumental in developing ways of limiting the severe ecological, social and economic impacts in different parts of Africa of a number of particularly devastating alien plant i
Boy, Gordon
Witt, Arne
CAB International
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), GH
Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR), ET
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Uganda, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
The purpose of this manual is to assist protected area (PA) managers, conservationists, tourism professionals, private tourism holdings, and other main stakeholders in the planning, development, management and monitoring process of tourism in the transboundary protected areas (TBAs) of the Dinari
A elaboração do Plano estratégico dos ecossistemas florestais do Mayombe está baseada na estrutura geral utilizada no Plano estratégico da Rede das áreas protegidas transfronteiriças do Albertine Rift Central (2006).
This strategic plan is adapted to the Mayombe forest initiative’s specific conditions, identified threats and priorities, and information availability. Lessons learned from other experience of other TFCAs/TPAs in the region were also assimilated.
L'élaboration du Plan stratégique transfrontalier des écosystèmes forestiers du Mayombe est basée sur la structure générale utilisée dans le Plan stratégique du Réseau des aires protégées transfrontalières du Rift Albertin central (2006).
This report presents the results of a review of the Poverty Reduction in the Doi Mae Salong Landscape focusing on the achievements of the project in contributing to poverty reduction and issues such as the sustainability and efficiency of the project.
Fisher, R. J.
Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of International Development Cooperation
The Conservation Campus at the 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress was designed to provide an interactive learning environment to build capacity in support of the IUCN Programme, drawing on the knowledge and expertise of the Union.
Le présent document vise à capitaliser les mécanismes de bonne gouvernance autour du réservoir de Kompienga et à proposer des solutions pour la renforcer, dans loptique que ces bonnes pratiques puis sent être répliqu ées a u niveau dautres grands ouvrages hydrauliques au Burkina Faso.
IUCN Burkina Faso
Global Water Initiative (GWI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Au cours de la période 2009-2012, la Global Water Initiative (GWI) en Afrique de lOuest, pilotée par le consortium formé de lUnion internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN) et lInstitut International pour lEnvironnement et le Développement (IIED), a développé avec les partenaire
IUCN Senegal
Global Water Initiative (GWI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Le objectif de cette publication est de fournir des orientations concernant la manière de mesurer limpact du changement climatique sur la biodiversité marine des aires protégées, et les moyens permettant daméliorer la planification en vue datténuer les impacts à venir.
Garrabou, Joaquim
Otero, María del Mar
Vargas, Manuel
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
This publication aims to give some guidance on how to measure the impact of climate change on the marine biodiversity of protected areas and how to improve planning for the mitigation of future impact.
Garrabou, Joaquim
Otero, María del Mar
Vargas, Manuel
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
La guida descrive il processo seguito per individuare gli indicatori comuni più utili a valutare lefficacia di gestione nelle aree marine protette mediterranee (AMP).
Ce guide décrit le processus structuré utilisé pour identifier la liste des indicateurs communs les plus utiles pour évaluer l'efficacité de la gestion dans les aires marines protégées (AMP) en Méditerranée.
This guideline provides a description of the structured process used to identify the set of common indicators most useful for evaluating the effectiveness of management in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
Los bienes y servicios que proveen los ecosistemas hacen una contribución fundamental a la seguridad alimentaria ya que prestan apoyo a la disponibilidad, el acceso y el uso de los alimentos y mediante el refuerzo de la estabilidad de los sistemas alimentarios.
Les biens et les services écosystémiques contribuent de manière déterminante à la sécurité alimentaire en soutenant la disponibilité, laccès et lutilisation des aliments et en renforçant la stabilité des systèmes alimentaires.
Ecosystem goods and services make critical contributions to food security by supporting the availability, access and use of foods, and by strengthening the stability of food systems.
Les aires marines protegees (AMP) du reseau MedPAN sont confrontees a des problematiques communes, comme le manque de prise de conscience et de comprehension des impacts causes par les especes envahissantes, la rarete des informations sur les meilleures pratiques en matiere de gestion, et une ins
Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) en toda la Red MedPAN se enfrentan a retos comunes, entre ellos la falta de concienciación y entendimiento de los impactos de especies invasoras, la escasez de información sobre mejores prácticas de gestión y la falta de información de referencia, directrices y
Marine protected areas (MPAs) across the MedPAN Network face common challenges, among them the lack of awareness and understanding of the impacts of invasive species, the scarcity of information on best management practices and a lack of baseline information, guidelines and trained local staff to
In order to gain further experience on rights-based approaches (RBAs) to conservation, the project focused on undertaking a situation analysis in the Xe Champhone Ramsar Site in Lao PDR.
Moore, Patricia
Pholsena, Minavanh
Phommachanh, Ketsana
Glémet, Raphaël
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
Everybody knows that humans are members of the mammalian Order Primates, but ask somebody to name some of our cousins and they would at best come up with five or six of the most widely known.
The research focused on the perceptions of communities on the role of ecosystems for disaster risk reduction, particularly in the context of the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan.
The African elephant, the largest remaining land mammal on the planet, is facing the greatest crisis in decades. Reports of mass elephant killings in the media vividly illustrate the situation across many African elephant range states.
Blanc, Julian J.
De Meulenaer, T.
Formo, Rannveig K.
Milliken, Tom
Nellemann, C. (Christian)
Skinner, Diane
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Secretariat
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), African Elephant Specialist Group
This report presents insights on both critical water-related ecosystem services and also on the wider ecosystem services from wetlands. The objective is encourage additional policy momentum, business commitment, and investment in the conservation, restoration, and wise use of wetlands.
Institute for European Environmental Policy, UK
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
Wetlands International
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
The Greening Blue Energy project aims to facilitate well-balanced and science-based discussions on the impacts on the marine environment from offshore renewable energy developments and as such this publication provides a synthesis of current knowledge on the potential biodiversity impacts of offs
This document summarizes TRAFFIC’s comprehensive overview of events and dynamics currently driving an escalating illicit trade in rhino horns from South Africa to Viet Nam.
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Nuesiri, Emmanuel O.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Kashwan, Prakash
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Ribot, Jesse C.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Kashwan, Prakash
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Rutt, Rebecca L.
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Mutasa, Mukundi
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) is an Africa-wide environmental-governance research and training program focusing on enabling responsive and accountable decentralization to strengthen the representation of forest-based rural people in local-government decision making.
Anderson, Emily
Zerriffi, Hisham
Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
La población indígena de la Muskitia carece de instrumentos que le permita negociar y defender sus derechos reconocidos en los marcos legales nacionales e internacionales, principalmente cuando se trata de acciones de conservación de los recursos naturales desde la cosmovisión indígena.
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
Mosquitia Asla Takanka-Unidad de la Mosquitia (MASTA), HN