The papers in this volume were, with a few exceptions, presented at the third Island Invasives conference, held in Dundee, Scotland in July 2017. The papers demonstrate up-scaling in several aspects of eradication operations – not least in ambition, land area, operational size, global reach and
Las ‘especies invasoras’ (a menudo llamadas plagas, malas hierbas o enfermedades) son plantas, animales, agentes patógenos y otros organismos que han sido transportados por los humanos más allá de los límites de su rango nativo de distribución (ya sea deliberada o involuntariamente) y que se vuel
IUCN Global Species Programme
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
Caribbean Invasive Alien Species Network (CIASNET)
Western Indian Ocean Network on Invasive Species (WIONIS)
Illegal trade in wildlife has increased dramatically over the past decade; however, so have enforcement efforts aimed at mitigating this threat. Successful enforcement often involves the seizure and confiscation of wild species from diverse taxa of plants, animals and fungi.
Wherever a new sports venue is built, or the refurbishment of an existing venue is undertaken, it is likely that biodiversity will be affected by that development, although the significance of impacts on biodiversity – both negative and positive – will vary enormously from sport to sport and loca
Le magot (Macaca sylvanus) est une espèce endémique de l’Afrique du Nord, dont l’aire de répartition couvre l’Algérie et le Maroc, et il est inscrit à l’Annexe I de la CITES. Actuellement, le magot est menacé au niveau mondial et a été classé comme espèce En Danger d’après la Liste rouge des espè
Analisis Situasi ini terutamanya fokus kepada kelapa sawit dalam konteks konservasi keanekaragaman hayati berdasarkan literatur yang diterbitkan sebelum 31 Januari 2018, dan bertujuan untuk menyediakan jalur konstruktif untuk mengatasi tantangan keberlanjutan di dalam industri minyak kelapa sawit
In Indonesia, Kutai National Park is home to what is likely to be East Kalimantan’s largest population of the Critically Endangered eastern subspecies of the Bornean Orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus morio.
Lee, Alan Tristram Kenneth
Carr, Jamie Anthony
Ahmad, Busran
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Climate Change Specialist Group
In Indonesia, Kutai National Park is home to what is likely to be East Kalimantan’s largest population of the Critically Endangered eastern subspecies of the Bornean Orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus morio.
Lee, Alan Tristram Kenneth
Carr, Jamie Anthony
Ahmad, Busran
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Climate Change Specialist Group
The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) identification is based on consistent, scientifically rigorous yet practical methods.
The Convention on Biological Diversity is an historic committment by the world's nations to conserve biological diversity, to use biological resources sustainably and to share equitably the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.
More than 70% of the earth is covered by oceans and major seas and there are more than 1.6 million kilometres of coastline. Yet our marine world is under threat: the most insidious is the one posed by marine invasive species.
De Poorter, Maj
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Invasive Species Specialist Group
These guidelines are designed to be applicable to the full spectrum of conservation translocations. They are based on principle rather than example and are designed to provide guidance on the justification, design and implementation of any conservation translocation.
Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, AE
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
The assessment includes a global review of literature and legal information on international and national law and policy, a desk assessment of mangrove-related legal instruments in India, Kenya and Mexico, and an in-depth evaluation of effectiveness of mangrove-related law in Costa Rica, Madagasc
Slobodian, Lydia
Rodriguez Chaves, Mariamalia
Nguyen, Loan T.P.
Rakotoson, Lalaina N.
WWF Germany
Germany, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Considering the increasing recognition of the role of benefit sharing in facilitating transboundary water cooperation, the IUCN BRIDGE GBM project is facilitating development of a Transboundary Benefit Sharing Strategy (TBSS) for the Meghna Basin.
Mangroves are among the most important ecosystems on the planet. They provide nursery grounds for a wide variety of marine and landbased species, sustain livelihoods of coastal populations, and protection from ocean swell and extreme weather events.
The Protected Planet Report 2018 provides an update of progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 at the global scale. With two years to go until 2020, the Protected Planet Report 2018 confirms that significant progress has been made to accelerate protection of biodiversity on land and in the
Ante un mundo cambiante, en el que aumentan y se aceleran las presiones sobre la biodiversidad –situación que pone en riesgo el mantenimiento y uso de los servicios ecosistémicos esenciales para el bienestar humano y que incrementa los conflictos socioambientales e intersectoriales–, es fundament
The Mediterranean Red List assessment is a review of the conservation status at regional level of approximately 6,000 species of animals and plants. This report summarizes the results for a key group of Mediterranean biodiversity: saproxylic beetles.
Businesses are seeking biodiversity indicators to help assess performance for a variety of business applications to address a range of internal and external drivers.
Addison, Prue
Carbone, Giulia
McCormick, Nadine
IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, University of Oxford
Protected areas are a key component of any global conservation strategy. Tourism provides a crucial and unique way of fostering visitors’ connection with protected area values, making it a potentially positive force for conservation.
Leung, Yu-Fai
Spenceley, Anna
Hvenegaard, Glen
Buckley, Ralf
IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group)
This report is the first comprehensive attempt to collate all the relevant information on institutional arrangements for nature conservation in the region into one coherent report.
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
These guidelines address planning and management of privately protected areas (or PPAs) and the guidance is aimed principally at practitioners and policy makers, who are or may be involved with PPAs.
Mitchell, Brent
Stolton, Sue
Bezaury-Creel, Juan
Bingham, Heather C.
Cumming, Tracey L.
Dudley, Nigel
Fitzsimons, James
Malleret-King, Delphine
Redford, Kent H.
Solano, Pedro
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship Specialist Group
The Mediterranean region is one of the world’s great centres of plant diversity and its benign climates have attracted successive waves of civilisations, which have largely shaped our attitudes and ethics to the present day.
This booklet is part of a series of compilations assembling PANORAMA solution case studies on a defined topic. “Solutions in Focus” zooms in on a topic of interest covered by PANORAMA, allowing to explore common elements and shared learnings across success stories.
Blue Solutions
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)