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WCC 2012 Res 008 - Activity Report

Información general
Constituyente de la UICN: 
Tipo de Constituyente de la UICN: 
IUCN Secretariat
Período de actividades: 
Ámbito geográfico: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Qué otros Miembros de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
No lo sé
Qué Comisiones de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
IUCN Commission on Ecosystems Management 2013-2016 (CEM)
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy 2013-2016 (CEESP)
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2013-2016 (CEC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2013-2016 (SSC)
IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2013-2016 (WCEL)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2013-2016 (WCPA)
Si el Secretariado de la UICN está o ha estado implicado en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Convocar a partes interesadas/creaci�n de redesDuring the May Council meeting, the appointment of Nancy Colleton and Michael Hozek as Council Liaisons to IPS was formalized. The Secretariat also appointed Francisco Wulff, the CEC Program Manager, as IPS Focal Point.
Convocar a partes interesadas/creaci�n de redesIn late 2014, the IPS leadership presented to Council a Strategy Paper for the engagement of young professionals in the governance of the Union. A follow up strategy paper was presented in April 2015 for youth engagement in the 2016 WCC.
Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas: 
The Council Liaisons and Secretariat Focal Point are working with the IPS co-conveners to review their proposals and develop an action plan forward.
Five out of six Commissions have included young professionals in their Steering Committees.
The IPS network has designed two representatives to the WCC Executive Committee (Dominic Stucker and Grace Mwaura) and they commenced their involvement as of the July 2 meeting of the EC.
Indique y describa brevemente las actividades que se realizarán en el futuro para la implementación de esta Resolución: 
Información complementaria
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