Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas:
- 02 editions of stories, 02 in Spanish and 01 translated in its entirety into Shawi.
- 02 environmental education kits that include a didactic guide, an illustrated story, coloring sheets, a memory game, puzzles, a ludo and dice game, and stickers.
- More than 10 traveling festivals in 07 local communities and presence in 51 PRONOEIs in the San Martin region.
- Positioning in more than 08 libraries in Moyobamba, Tarapoto and Lima.
- Presentation of storytelling and theater in different community spaces.
- Inter-institutional alliances at regional level: UGEL, ARA, Colegio Amazónico, Feria del Libro, CUMO and Perú Lee.
¿Qué esfuerzos se están llevando a cabo para superar dichos obstáculos?:
One of the main challenges has been the language and cultural barrier in indigenous communities. To overcome this, at AMPA we have worked on the cross-cultural adaptation of educational materials, such as the translation of the illustrated story into Shawi language, as well as the environmental education kit materials, allowing us to integrate more children in the conservation of natural resources