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Problems of the north

Complete Title: 
Problems of the north
Non IUCN Publication



Problems of the North no.11 is devoted to the biological and ecological bases for the proper utilization, reestablishment, and conservation of wildlife (fur-bearing animals, marine mammals, fish and game birds). It contains much original data on the biology and ecology of individual species (including the polar bear, arctic fox, wild reindeer, and mountain sheep). This research work is also of importance with respect to zoo-geography. A substantial part of this issue is devoted to marine mammals and problems associated with the harvesting of marine mammals. 

Monographic Series:

Monographic Series no.: 
Ottawa : National Research Council of Canada, 1968
Physical Description: 
vi, 326p.
Publication Year: 

Translated from Russian

Geographic keywords:

Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2024/05/22