Turning the Tide: A Global Aquarium Strategy for Conservation and Sustainability (WAZA, 2009) is the detailed response of the international aquarium community to the, more general, World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy published by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA, 2005). The structure of Turning the Tide follows chapter sequence and headline statements made in the original WZACS. Topics covered are: Integrating Conservation; Conservation of Wild Populations; Science and Research; Population Management; Education and Training; Communication, Marketing and Public Relations; Partnerships and Politics; Sustainability; Ethics and Animal Welfare. The worlds aquarium community have provided detailed responses to the original statements, emphasising the close, intricate, sophisticated and vital relationship between conservation work conducted off-site (ex situ) with that implemented in nature (in situ). There follows, per chapter section, action lists that could or should be adopted at different levels ranging from individual public aquariums through to national and regional aquarium/zoo associations. Public aquariums, national and regional associations and partners are encouraged to maximise the conservation, sustainability, educational and scientific value of their activities, carefully taking into account the recommended responses and action lists in Turning the Tide. In doing so, they should develop their own customised, written aquarium action plans, incorporating smart objectives. This means setting conservation, sustainability and other targets that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.
Includes bibliographical references. Also available in separate Spanish, Chinese and Japanese language versions: http://www.waza.org/en/site/conservation/conservation-strategies