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Transport for sustainable development in the ECE region

Complete Title: 
Transport for sustainable development in the ECE region
Non IUCN Publication

This report on Transport for Sustainable Development in the ECE region deals with issues and best practices in inland transport, i.e. in road, rail, inland waterway and intermodal transport. It also outlines key UNECE contributions and reviews progress towards the development of more sustainable inland transport. Chapter 1 gives a brief review of sustainable development and its implications for transport. Chapter 2 gives an account of general trends in the ECE region relevant to sustainable transport development. Chapter 3 explains transport’s role for social and economic sustainability by providing access for individuals and markets. Chapter 4 discusses the issues of affordable transport for the individuals and for the public at large. Chapter 5 deals with transport safety specifically road traffic safety. Chapter 6 argues that transport security must be included in a comprehensive approach to sustainability. Chapter 7 reviews the most prominent element of sustainability, i.e. the environmental issues in terms of local pollution and climate change impacts of transport. Chapter 8 calls for more support to intermodal transport. Chapter 9 concludes by assessing the current situation giving general “verdicts” and through outlining the ways forward.

Geneva, CH : UNECE, 2011
Physical Description: 
[vi], 122p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

Geographic keywords:

Call number:

Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2022/04/13