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Negotiate : reaching agreements over water (Khmer version)

Complete Title: 
Negotiate : reaching agreements over water (Khmer version)
IUCN Publication



Water practitioners are increasingly called upon to negotiate workable agreements about how to best use, manage and care for water resources. This book makes the case for constructive engagement and cooperative forms of negotiation in dealing with complex water issues. It unpacks constructive approaches such as Multi-stakeholder Platforms and consensus building, and fnally focuses on the diversity of agreements which can be produced to regulate or encourage fairer and more effective water allocation and use.

Monographic Series:

Gland, CH : IUCN, 2013
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Also available in separate Spanish, Vietnamese, Lao and English language versions.

Call number:

Online Metrics:

Record created: 2014/07/18
Record updated: 2024/09/11