Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken:
1. Effective advice to the World Heritage Committee regarding evaluation of new nominations, supporting the retention of credible standards for listings of natural sites
2. Monitoring of listed World Heritage Sites leading to strengthened conservation action, including through the development of the IUCN World Heritage Outlook
3. Effective policy advice supporting adoption of a new sustainable development policy and the provisions of UNDRIP into the Convention
4. Convening IUCN members to support greater inputs to the World Heritage Committee, and as a means to increase the effectiveness of conservation action ... a notable increase in members input has been achieved.
What challenges have you encountered in implementing this Resolution and what measures have you taken to overcome them?:
A key area where implementation has not proceeded has been the significant loss in nature conservation capacity in the World Heritage Convention. IUCN Secretariat capacity, whilst increased remains stretched at both global and regional levels.