The Encyclopedia of the Swedish Flora and Fauna is a project which will publish circa 120 volumes in the 20-25 years from 2005 onward. It constitutes a series of identification handbooks in Swedish. The 50,000 species which can be identified without highly advanced equipment will be described in detail, including information on distribution and biology. For most of them, distribution maps as well as illustrations e.g. watercolours will also be provided. The groups containing the remaining 30 000 species will be presented down to a suitable taxonomic level (e.g. families), with the species presented as checklists. All texts are written in Swedish, but each species has a short English summary - Key facts.
Library's collection includes the following volumes:
AJ 6-23 (Bladmossor: Sköldmossor - blåmossor, Bryophyta: buxbaumia - Leucobryum)
CF (Mångfotingar, Myriapoda)
DE 50-54 (Fjärilar: Dagfjäriler, Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae)
DE 55-63 (Fjärilar: Ädelspinnare-tofsspinnare, Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae - Lymantriidae)