Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken:
A Red List Index for Wild Relatives of domesticated species of birds and mammals was calculated and published in McGowan et al 2018 Conservation Letters 2018: e12588.
The RLI was included in the 2018 SDG report with data for each country updated in the UN SDG indicator database. The RLI and various disaggregations were included in the Third Order Draft of the IPBES Global Assessment, with the indicators extrapolated to 2020 to assess progress towards the Aichi Targets and 2030 for the SDGs, and in each of the IPBES Regional Assessments. • RLIs, disaggregated to national level, were included in the ‘country profiles’ on the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool, and made available to CBD national focal points, among others
What challenges have you encountered in implementing this Resolution and what measures have you taken to overcome them?:
The lack of priority and funding for reassessments is hindering progress in updating the RLI, with the 2nd amphibian assessment still apparently years away, and the mammal reassessment delayed again.