Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution :
Convene stakeholders/Networking
Education/Communication/Raising awareness
Field activities
Policy influencing/advocacy
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken:
This report was prepared by Stan Stevens, IUCN Members' focal point for WCC Resolution 6.030. In 2019 Members raised awareness about the Resolution and carried out diverse actions fostering recognition and respect for ICCAs, including overlapped ones. Work continues to develop an IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series volume. The stream on governance at the 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Congress on Protected Areas devoted one session to case studies of recognition of ICCAs overlapped by protected areas. The ICCA Consortium Latin America issued a declaration to the Congress that included a call for better implementation of Res. 6.030 and for global and regional monitoring of the implementation of this and other IUCN policies on ICCAs. ICCA national and regional networks were strengthened, particularly in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West and Central Asia, and Latin America. Field activities included ICCA mapping and documentation in India, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Iran; development of ICCA plans in India; ICCA registration in Indonesia; and advocacy for supportive national laws in the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, and Myanmar.
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome :
Challenges: lack of awareness of Res. 6.030; inappropriate national protected area laws, policies, and practices; lack of ICCA mapping and documentation capacity. Responses: awareness raising, capacity building, building national and regional ICCA networks, advocacy for appropriate national laws and policies, developing guidance, and documenting and mapping overlapped ICCAs.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution:
NTFP-EP will also organise a Youth and Forest Congress regional event in which ICCAs will be a major theme and a regional Webinar series on ICCAs.
NTFP-EP will support and/or participate in capacity building activities at the Southeast Asia regional level, including development of an ICCA spatial database for the Southeast Asian Learning Network that will provide a venue and a system for communities and ICCA and rights defenders to share information and access spatial information.
WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP will continue to participate in the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia. NTFP-EP also will participate in the national ICCA network in the Philippines and will organize a national ICCA Workshop in Cambodia. CENESTA will continue to support network strengthening in Iran and across West and Central Asia.
Samdhana Institute plans to support a review of the status of recognition of indigenous peoples’ and their territories across Southeast Asia.
WWF Indonesia will continue to support ICCA mapping and registration in Indonesia through the WGII. CENESTA will continue ICCA documentation and mapping in Iran. Foundation for Ecological Security will be developing maps of ICCAs as OECMs throughout India.
Samdhana Institute will continue to support mapping and other works towards recognition of Indigenous territories across Southeast Asia, including support for the Kamitraan Konservasi (Conservation Partnership) and Hutan Adat (Indigenous Forests) in Indonesia.
Foundation for Ecological Security plans to help communities prepare management plans for 1,500 community conserved areas (CCAs) in forest commons in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh states, India.
WWF Indonesia will continue to support ICCA mapping and registration in Indonesia through the online system maintained by WGII.
NTFP-EP will continue to support adoption of an ICCA bill in the Philippines that includes specific provisions on recognition and support for overlapped ICCAs. WGII, including WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP, will continue to advocate for legal recognition of ICCAs, including overlapped ones, in Indonesia. CENESTA will continue to advocate for laws recognising ICCAs in Iran.
Are these actions planned for yet: