Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution :
Education/Communication/Raising awareness
Field activities
Policy influencing/advocacy
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken:
IUCN has continued to raise awareness of the importance of protected areas in addressing climate change in 2019, and for governments to take this into account in their national climate policies and actions. At UNFCCC COP25, for example, IUCN published and disseminated a briefing paper on 'Protected Areas and Climate Change', which provided both practical recommendations and examples. This was prepared by the IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Climate Change, and is available here:
For information, contact Dr. Risa Smith, Co-chair, IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Climate Change.
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome :
Different countries take into account the role of protected areas in addressing climate change to different degrees. The activity report submitted from Honduras, for example, points to some of the challenges faced there and also the role of civil society actors in particular in overcoming them.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution:
More awareness-generation can make a positive contribution, for example through the planned IUCN publication on the contributions made by protected areas towards achieving the different SDGs, including SDG 13 on climate action, drawing on examples and case-studies from the Panorama platform, led by the Global Protected Areas Programme. For more information contact Marie Fishborn (IUCN GPAP).
Are these actions planned for yet: