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WCC 2020 Res 023 - Activity Report

General Information
IUCN Constituent: 
Coalition Clean Baltic
IUCN Constituent type: 
IUCN Member
Period covered: 
Geographic scope: 
European Union (EU)
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Policy influencing/advocacyThe CCB goal to reduce harbour porpoise bycatch and raise awareness on porpoise has resulted in significantly increased activity from the Commission as well as the Member states in BALTFISH and in HELCOM, and in this process resulted in a delegated act containing some measures for reduction of harbour porpoise bycatch in the Baltic Proper being adopted by the European Commission in December 2021. During 2020-21, the most important work within HELCOM was the update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan. CCB worked to include several harbour porpoise related actions into the new plan, especially on mitigating bycatch and underwater noise, and there are several actions relevant for harbour porpoise in the new BSAP which was adopted in October 2021. On-going
Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken: 
CCB was part of writing a scientific paper on harbour porpoise conservation in European waters, which was published in Frontiers in Marine Science in February 2021. A questionnaire was also spread to gain information on how well-recognised the harbour porpoise is among European citizens. The results of this questionnaire were published in the UK journal Mammal News.
Identify and briefly describe what future actions are planned for the implementation of this Resolution: 
Future ActionDescription
Education/Communication/Raising awarenessCommunication and raising awareness about the bycatch threats for the Baltic harbour porpoise. In 2022, we launched a petition and, in cooperation with other NGOs, we have developed a report on alternative measures to propose permanent or seasonal closures in case the use of noise devices (pingers) is not feasible. These instruments will help increase pressure to reduce bycatch along the entire range of the porpoise and increase its protection.
Additional Information