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WCC 2020 Res 063 - Activity Report

General Information
IUCN Constituent: 
Coalition Clean Baltic
IUCN Constituent type: 
IUCN Member
Period covered: 
Geographic scope: 
European Union (EU)
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Scientific/technical activitiesWater birds in the Odra estuary. Three counts of waterbirds in the Odra estuary started in 2020 by West Pomeranian Nature Society, CCB Member Organization. The study covered the most important areas where waterbirds congregate during the non-breeding period. These areas are located mainly along the Odra River valley and in the Odra estuary, which includes the Szczecin Lagoon, the Kamień Lagoon and Lake Dąbie. The monitoring also covered Lake Miedwie and the fishponds in Dzwonowo – these two sites lie beyond the Odra valley and the estuary. The study site covered an area of around 1,200 km² and about 420 km of riverbanks and waterbody shores. Counts included Grebes (Podicipediformes), Ducks, Geese and Swans (Anseriformes) and Gruiformes. In 2021 this activity has continued within the project on Development of a joint Polish-German system of cross-border ornithological monitoring in the area of the Odra estuary and in the border area west of Szczecin (2021-2022), co-funded by ERDF and Pomerania Euroregion.Completed
Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken: 
Data of the bird counts was analysed and reported, specifying the percentage of flyway population that is wintering in the area. Identification of the most important species was done and the results were compiled in the report: "Report on the counting of water birds in 2020 in Western Pomerania, Poland".
Identify and briefly describe what future actions are planned for the implementation of this Resolution: 
Additional Information