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WCC 2020 Res 047 - Activity Report

General Information
IUCN Constituent: 
Wildlife Protection Society of India
IUCN Constituent type: 
IUCN Member
Period covered: 
Geographic scope: 
South and East Asia
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
IUCN Members: 
Wildlife Protection Society of India ( WPSI ) / India
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Field activitiesWPSI supports the protection of tiger and tiger prey species across tiger habitats in India by facilitating intelligence-led enforcement and providing actionable information to regional authorities. We sensitize local communities and build tiger conservation awareness in and around 6 tiger reserves in Central India.On-going
Please report on the result /achievement of the actions taken: 
Actionable information is provided to enforcement authorities to combat poaching and illegal wildlife trade of tigers and its prey species.
Identify and briefly describe what future actions are planned for the implementation of this Resolution: