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Academic Foundation, IN

IUCN Publication

Inland navigation and integrated water resources management

This is a timely report given the growing public and political awareness on the importance of inland water transit, and the vulnerability of key waterways to environmental degradation and misuse. It has been prepared with a view to its use by academics and civil society organisations, but it also



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Migration, spawning patterns and conservation of hilsa shad in Bangladesh and India

This publication is an output of joint research conducted on the importance of migratory and spawning patterns for the conservation of the hilsa.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

WaterWealth? : investing in basin management in Asia and the Pacific

Drawing on a cross-section of 43 case studies prepared specially for this book, WaterWealth explains the challenges to improving water governance and management across Asia and the Pacific region.



Publication Year: 
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