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ITTO Technical Series

Non IUCN Publication

Status of tropical forest management 2011

This report, two years in the making, provides a comprehensive assessment of progress being made towards SFM in each ITTO producer member country and identifies the challenges remaining.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Restauration des paysages forestiers

La restauration des paysages forestiers (RPF) offre un cadre complémentaire à l’aménagement forestier durable et une approche écosystémique dans les paysages où la perte de forêt a entraîné un déclin de la qualité des services fournis par les écosystèmes.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Restaurando el paisaje forestal

La restauración del paisaje forestal (RPF) ofrece un marco complementario para la ordenación forestal sostenible y el enfoque ecosistémico en paisajes donde la pérdida del bosque ha causado el deterioro de la calidad de los servicios del ecosistema.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Restoring forest landscapes

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) provides a complementary framework to sustainable forest management and the ecosystem approach in landscapes where forest loss has caused a decline in the quality of ecosystem services.


Publication Year: 
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