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Lynx Edicions

Non IUCN Publication

Bird families of the world

Here in one volume is a synopsis of the diversity of all birds.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 9 : bats


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 8 : insectivores, sloths and colugos

Volume 8 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World (HMW) contains an unusual compilation of important but smaller orders that we now know have either distant or nearly no taxonomic relationships. They include armadillos, sloths and anteaters. 


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 7 : rodents II

Volume 7 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World (HMW) covers 9 families of Rodents. 


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 6 : lagomorphs and rodents I

Volume 6 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World (HMW) covers 27 families in two orders, lagomorphs and most of the families of the order Rodentia. 


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 5 : monotremes and marsupials

Platypus, opossums, kangaroos, koalas...Monotremes and marsupials include a host of animals that have intrigued mammal fanciers for centuries.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 4 : sea mammals

Humankind has long felt a kinship of ocean-dwelling mammals, and human culture, customs, and literature abound with sea mammal lore. This volume covers 19 families in 3 orders.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 3 : primates

Everybody knows that humans are members of the mammalian Order Primates, but ask somebody to name some of our cousins and they would at best come up with five or six of the most widely known.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 2 : hoofed mammals

This second volume in the Handbook of the Mammals of the World series covers 17 families in six orders; although united here, their grouping as "hoofed mammals" is more practical than phylogenetic.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Handbook of the mammals of the world : vol. 1 : carnivores

This first volume in the Handbook of the Mammals of the World series deals with the following families: African Palm Civet; Cats; Linsangs; Civets, Genets and Oyans; Hyenas; Mongooses; Euplerids; Dogs; Bears; Red Panda; Racoons; Skunks; Weasels, Martens, Polecats, Badgers and Otters.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Threatened amphibians of the world

Amphibians are facing an extinction crisis, but getting to the facts has been difficult.



Publication Year: 
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