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Publications advanced search

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This list contains 4587 entry(ies).

IUCN Publication

Linking landscapes : Exploring the relationships between World Heritage cultural landscapes and IUCN protected areas

This study identifies the relationships that exist between World Heritage cultural landscapes and protected areas, and documents the practical management and governance associations that occur between them.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

El Patrimonio Natural Marino y la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial : Interpretación de los criterios del Patrimonio Mundial en sistemas marinos, análisis de la representación biogeográfica de sitios y directrices para la gestión de lagunas

The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Global re-introduction perspectives : 2013 : further case-studies from around the globe

This fourth edition of the Global Re-introduction Perspectives provides 52 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

The legal aspects of connectivity conservation : case studies

This publication follows on from Volume I in the series on legal aspects of connectivity conservation.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

An Explanatory Guide to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (Chinese version)

The main goal of this Explanatory Guide is to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Mainstreaming the environment in poverty alleviation policies : influencing policies and practices through dialogue and dissemination of innovative responses

This document aims to share lessons learned from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Initiative (PREMI) designed and executed by the Central and West Africa Programme of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-PACO).


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Intégration de l'environnement dans les politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté : influencer les politiques et les pratiques par le dialogue et la diffusion de réponses innovantes

Le présent document vise à partager les leçons apprises de la mise en oeuvre de l'Initiative pour la Réduction de la Pauvreté et la Gestion de l'Environnement (Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Initiative -- PREMI) conçue et exécutée par le Programme Afrique Centrale et Occidentale d


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Comment aborder la REDD+ au Cameroun : contexte, enjeux et options pour une stratégie nationale

Le Cameroun, à l’instar d’autres pays du Bassin du Congo, subit de plein fouet les effets environnementaux, sociaux et économico-dévastateurs des changements climatiques, généralement provoqués par la déforestation, la dégradation et la fragmentation des forêts.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Economic valuation of ecological functions and services of natural ecosystems : guide on the use of simple methods

This guide aims at making accessible the main concepts and methods of economic valuation of the monetary value of goods and services rendered by natural ecosystems in general. This text is designed for all actors involved in the economic valuation of ecological services.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Évaluation économique des fonctions et services écologiques des écosystèmes naturels : guide d'utilisation de méthodes simples

L’objectif de ce guide est de rendre accessible les principaux concepts et méthodes d’évaluation économique de la valeur monétaire des biens et services des écosystèmes naturels en général. Ce guide s’adresse à tous les acteurs impliqués dans l’évaluation économique des services écologiques.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guidelines for applying protected area management categories including IUCN WCPA best practice guidance on recognising protected areas and assigning management categories and governance types

The IUCN protected area management categories is a core document for the development, reporting and understanding of protected areas worldwide.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Invasive alien plants and their management in Africa : how a multi-country "War on Weeds" project is helping an infested continent to stem the colonising onslaught of invasive species

This book describes how the four-year GEF-funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” was instrumental in developing ways of limiting the severe ecological, social and economic impacts in different parts of Africa of a number of particularly devastating alien plant i



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Sustainable tourism management in the transboundary areas of the Dinaric Arc region : manual for planning, development and monitoring of tourism in the protected areas of the Dinaric Arc

The purpose of this manual is to assist protected area (PA) managers, conservationists, tourism professionals, private tourism holdings, and other main stakeholders in the planning, development, management and monitoring process of tourism in the transboundary protected areas (TBAs) of the Dinari



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Le patrimoine naturel marin et la Liste du patrimoine mondial : interprétation des critères du patrimoine mondial dans les systèmes marins, analyse de la représentation biogéographique des biens et feuille de route en vue d’éliminer les lacunes

L’étude thématique sur le patrimoine mondial marin a été rédigée dans le but d’apporter des orientations aux États parties et aux praticiens de la conservation sur les meilleurs moyens d’appliquer la Convention du patrimoine mondial dans les océans et dans les mers.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Marine natural heritage and the World Heritage List : interpretation of World Heritage criteria in marine systems, analysis of biogeographic representation of sites, and a roadmap for addressing gaps

The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Lake Titicaca Basin : Peru and Bolivia : enhancing transboundary cooperation through technical coordination and institutional reforms

Lake Titicaca exists within a fragile high altitude ecosystem shared between Bolivia and Peru. Since 2011, BRIDGE has been working in Lake Titicaca basin taking a non-conventional approach to water diplomacy promoting better cooperation.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

The 3S river basin (Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam) : creating spaces for cooperation through multi-level dialogue and capacity building

The Sesan, Sre Pok, and Sekong rivers, referred to as the 3S river basin, are shared by three countries and constitute a significant part of the Lower Mekong river basin.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Goascorán Basin : Honduras and El Salvador : revitalising cooperative management through expanding stakeholder involvement

The waters of the Goascorán River are shared between Honduras and El Salvador. Since 2011, BRIDGE has worked to promote better cooperation over transboundary waters, taking a non-conventional approach to water diplomacy.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Plano estratégico : para um complexo de áreas protegidas transfronteiriças nos ecossistemas do Mayombe

A elaboração do Plano estratégico dos ecossistemas florestais do Mayombe está baseada na estrutura geral utilizada no Plano estratégico da Rede das áreas protegidas transfronteiriças do Albertine Rift Central (2006).


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Strategic plan : towards a transboundary protected area complex in the Mayombe forest ecosystems

This strategic plan is adapted to the Mayombe forest initiative’s specific conditions, identified threats and priorities, and information availability. Lessons learned from other experience of other TFCAs/TPAs in the region were also assimilated.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Jamaican Iguana : species recovery plan, 2006-2013

The Jamaican Iguana Recovery Group (JIRG) is a consortium of local Jamaican organizations and international conservation groups that held a workshop in July 2006 to formulate this Species Recovery Plan (SRP) for the Jamaican iguana.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Governance of protected areas : from understanding to action

This volume argues that governance that is both appropriate to the context and “good” is crucial for effective and equitable conservation. This applies to all kinds of protected areas and other conserved areas, in terrestrial, inland waters, coastal and marine environments.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Invasive alien species : the urban dimension : case studies on strengthening local action in Europe



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

The legal aspects of connectivity conservation : a concept paper

This publication aims to advance conceptual thinking and legal understanding about important law and policy tools and options for supporting the connectivity of protected area systems.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Insights into the biodiversity of the Sampur area in Trincomalee

This study documents the terrestrial and aquatic habitat types and floral and faunal species richness found in the Sampur area and current threats to biodiversity in the area.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Sustainable development of Delft Island : an ecological, socio-economic and archaeological assessment

This publication presents the findings of the physical, ecological, archaeological and socio-economic assessments of Delft Island; a map of Delft Island, illustrating its present land-use patterns, as well as areas that should, potentially, be earmarked for future development and conservation act



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Innovations en matière de bonnes pratiques dans le cadre de la gouvernance des réservoirs de grand barrage en Afrique de l'Ouest : cas du barrage de Kompienga (Burkina Faso)

Le présent document vise à capitaliser les mécanismes de bonne gouvernance autour du réservoir de Kompienga et à proposer des solutions pour la renforcer, dans l’optique que ces bonnes pratiques puis sent être répliqu ées a u niveau d’autres grands ouvrages hydrauliques au Burkina Faso.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Capitalisation de bonnes pratiques en matière de gouvernance autour des grands barrages : cas de Niandouba et du confluent au Sénégal

Au cours de la période 2009-2012, la Global Water Initiative (GWI) en Afrique de l’Ouest, pilotée par le consortium formé de l’Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN) et l’Institut International pour l’Environnement et le Développement (IIED), a développé avec les partenaire


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Lemurs of Madagascar : a strategy for their conservation 2013-2016

Many lemur species are on the very brink of extinction. Ninety-one per cent of all lemur taxa (species and subspecies) are now classified as Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

2012 UICN rapport annuel : Nature+ : vers des solutions basées sur la nature


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

2012 UICN Informe Anual : Naturaleza+ : hacia soluciones basadas en la naturaleza


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Les aires marines protégées (AMP) méditerranéennes et le changement climatique

Le objectif de cette publication est de fournir des orientations concernant la manière de mesurer l’impact du changement climatique sur la biodiversité marine des aires protégées, et les moyens permettant d’améliorer la planification en vue d’atténuer les impacts à venir.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Mediterranean marine protected areas and climate change : a guide to regional monitoring and adaptation opportunities

This publication aims to give some guidance on how to measure the impact of climate change on the marine biodiversity of protected areas and how to improve planning for the mitigation of future impact.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guida alla valutazione rapida della gestione nelle AMP mediterranee

La guida descrive il processo seguito per individuare gli indicatori comuni più utili a valutare l’efficacia di gestione nelle aree marine protette mediterranee (AMP).



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guide pour l'évaluation rapide de la gestion des AMP méditererranéennes

Ce guide décrit le processus structuré utilisé pour identifier la liste des indicateurs communs les plus utiles pour évaluer l'efficacité de la gestion dans les aires marines protégées (AMP) en Méditerranée.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guide for quick evaluation of management in Mediterranean MPAs

This guideline provides a description of the structured process used to identify the set of common indicators most useful for evaluating the effectiveness of management in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guía explicativa del Protocolo de Nagoya : sobre acceso y participación en los beneficios

El objetivo principal de esta Guía Explicativa es facilitar la comprensión de las obligaciones legales de las Partes en el Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación Justa y Equitativa en los Beneficios que se Deriven de su Utilización (ABS, por sus siglas en inglés



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

2012 IUCN annual report : Nature+ : towards nature-based solutions

2012 lived up to its promise of being one of the busiest years for the global environmental community.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

La biodiversité terrestre et la Liste du patrimoine mondial : identifier les grandes lacunes dans le réseau du patrimoine mondial naturel et les sites candidats qui pourraient y être intégrés

La Liste du patrimoine mondial compte 156 explicitement reconnus pour leurs valeurs exceptionnelles du point de vue de la biodiversité. Ensemble, ils représentent les principaux écosystèmes de la planète.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Terrestrial biodiversity and the World Heritage List : identifying broad gaps and potential candidate sites for inclusion in the natural World Heritage network

The World Heritage List includes 156 properties explicitly recognized for their outstanding biodiversity values, which together represent the world’s major ecosystems.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

IUCN in Oceania : annual report 2012


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Moving from one four-year programme to another : 2012 annual report

This annual report is the last on the four–year period that ended in December 2012.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

D'un programme quadriennal à l'autre : rapport annuel 2012

Ce rapport annuel est donc le dernier de la période quadriennale qui s'est achevée en décembre 2012.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Políticas de seguridad alimentaria : su conexión con los ecosistemas

Los bienes y servicios que proveen los ecosistemas hacen una contribución fundamental a la seguridad alimentaria ya que prestan apoyo a la disponibilidad, el acceso y el uso de los alimentos y mediante el refuerzo de la estabilidad de los sistemas alimentarios.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Politiques de sécurité alimentaire : établir des liens avec les écosystèmes

Les biens et les services écosystémiques contribuent de manière déterminante à la sécurité alimentaire en soutenant la disponibilité, l’accès et l’utilisation des aliments et en renforçant la stabilité des systèmes alimentaires.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Food security policies : making the ecosystem connections

Ecosystem goods and services make critical contributions to food security by supporting the availability, access and use of foods, and by strengthening the stability of food systems.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Vital but vulnerable : climate change vulnerability and human use of wildlife in Africa's Albertine Rift

This report brings together a broad range of new and existing information on 2,358 plant and animal species of the Albertine Rift (AR) region of East and Central Africa.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Guidelines for reintroductions and other conservation translocations

These guidelines are designed to be applicable to the full spectrum of conservation translocations. They are based on principle rather than example and are designed to provide guidance on the justification, design and implementation of any conservation translocation.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Surveillance des espèces envahissantes marines dans les aires marines protégées (AMP) méditerranéennes : guide pratique et stratégique à l'attention des gestionnaires

Les aires marines protegees (AMP) du reseau MedPAN sont confrontees a des problematiques communes, comme le manque de prise de conscience et de comprehension des impacts causes par les especes envahissantes, la rarete des informations sur les meilleures pratiques en matiere de gestion, et une ins



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Monitoreo de especies marinas invasoras en áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) del Mediterráneo : estrategia y guía práctica para gestores

Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) en toda la Red MedPAN se enfrentan a retos comunes, entre ellos la falta de concienciación y entendimiento de los impactos de especies invasoras, la escasez de información sobre mejores prácticas de gestión y la falta de información de referencia, directrices y



Publication Year: 
