This list contains 26216 entry(ies).
El comercio de productos de madera en la región de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana presenta en la actualidad grandes retos en cuanto a su sistema de reporte y verificación de estadísticas. Mediante el trabajo de un grupo regional de consultores y colaboradores nacionales, se hizo un análi
- Milla Quesada, Víctor
- Navarro Monge, Guillermo A.
- Santamaría Gutiérrez, Oscar J.
- Vargas Bolívar, Luis C.
- European Forest Institute
- IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
As our cities continue to grow, we should defend the protection of natural areas and even try to create new space for nature within this urban fabric.
- Trzyna, Thaddeus
- Edmiston, Joseph T.
- Hyman, Glen
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.
- da Cunha e Menezes, Pedro
- Myrdal, Brett
- Phillips, Adrian
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Urban Specialist Group
- IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
- IUCN, Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA)
Communication, participation and education (CEPA) are considered key to the implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
- Eser, Uta
- Müller, Albrecht
- Neureuther, Ann-Kathrin
- Seyfang, Hannah
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
- Borges, Maria Ana
- Guendling, Lothar
- Lucas, Sarah
- Westerberg, Vanja
- IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
- Imboden, Christoph
- Meynell, Peter-John
- Richards, David
- Stalmans, Marc
- IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- Appenzeller, C.
- Fischer, E.M.
- Fuhrer, J.
- Universität Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR), CH
This IUCN–OIE publication provides a ‘how-to’ guide that will be useful to the growing and diverse range of professionals involved in assessment and management of wildlife-associated disease risk scenarios.
- Jakob-Hoff, Richard M.
- Kock, Richard
- Lees, Caroline
- MacDiarmid, Stuart C.
- Miller, Philip S.
- Travis, Dominic A.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- World Organisation for Animal Health
This IUCN-OIE publication provides an overview of the science-based processes and tools available for wildlife disease risk analysis and their application to a broad range of contemporary issues, including human-wildlife interactions, domestic animal-wildlife interactions and the impacts of massi
- World Organisation for Animal Health
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
Esta publicación se enmarca en el proyecto “Implementación del Acuerdo sobre Medio Ambiente entre Canadá y Perú y del Acuerdo sobre Medio Ambiente entre Canadá y Colombia”, ejecutado por la Oficina de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza para América del Sur, con el apoyo
- Mora, Arturo
- Pedraza, Natalia
- Rios, Montserrat
- Ruiz, Lucia
- Sanclemente, Gloria
- Canada, Environment Canada
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Without biodiversity, there is no business. Companies are therefore major players in this landscape and are responsible for their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), CH
Esta publicación ilustra tres temas principales que son la investigación científica y su relación con el ABS; las oportunidades y desafíos de mercado que ofrecen los recursos genéticos, y la cosmovisión indígena al respecto de la biodiversidad en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.
- Mora, Arturo
- Rios, Montserrat
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
- UNEP, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbeans
This report is the first one delivered under the Python Conservation Partnership. Established in November 2013, the Partnership aims to contribute to the improved sustainability of the python skin trade and to help facilitate industry-wide change.
- Lyons, Jessica A.
- Natusch, Daniel J.D.
- International Trade Centre, CH
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Boa and Python Specialist Group
- IUCN, Species Programme
- Kering
The main goal of this Explanatory Guide is to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Ahrén, Mattias
- Ali, Natasha
- Cabrera Medaglia, Jorge A.
- Greiber, Thomas
- Kamau, Evanson C.
- Nieto Carrasco, Jimena
- Oliva, Maria Julia
- Pena Moreno, Sonia
- Perron-Welch, Frederic
- Williams, China
- Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
- IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
<p>Many sectors, including biofuels, are targeting degraded lands yet there is no singular definition of what constitutes degraded lands.
- Jenkins, Martin
- Maginnis, Stewart
- McCormick, Nadine
- IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
- IUCN, Global Forest and Climate Change Programme
<p>La publicación recopila reflexiones y análisis de distintos autores, sobre la propuesta que hacen UICN y varias de sus organizaciones miembro sobre la necesidad y la importancia de reconocer el valor que tiene el conocimiento tradicional para la adaptación al cambio climático.
- Lara, Rommel
- Vides-Almonacid, Roberto
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Drawing on fifteen years of original research, the authors conclusively show that it is our man-made political and economic institutions that underlie economic success (or the lack of it).
- Acemoglu, Daron
- Robinson, James A.
- Korea, Republic of, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
This report presents the main findings and recommendations of the IUCN-Niger Delta Panel, regarding the sustainable remediation and rehabilitation of oil spill impacted sites in the Niger Delta.
- IUCN Niger Delta Panel
- IUCN, Business and Biodiversity Programme
A global move to a Product-Centric approach, in which recycling targets specific components of a product and devises ways to separate and recover them, is essential. This report addresses the challenges of recycling increasingly complex products.
- UNEP, International Resource Panel
The present publication offers a suite of tools to support the effectiveness and viability of indigenous peoples and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) as governance structures for the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
- Corrigan, Colleen
- Hay-Edie, Terence
Ce livre s'appuie sur une large synthèse de la littérature scientifique pour analyser les effets que peuvent avoir les aires marines protégées, à la fois sur les ressources halieutiques et sur les pêcheries qui en dépendent.
- Garcia, S. M.
- Boncœur, Jean
- Gascuel, D. (Didier)
- Agence Française de Développement, FR
- BRL Ingéniérie
- Commission Sous Régionale des Pêches (CSRP)
- European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD), BE
- IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Fisheries Expert Group
If the cedars of Lebanon could take they would tell a story of human greed and ignorance going all the way back to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
- Shouf Biosphere Reserve, LB
- Huber, Michael
- Jungmeier, Michael
- Lange, Sigrun
- Chaudhary, Sunita
Poradnik zawiera wytyczne skierowane do Państw-Stron oraz wszystkich innych stron zaangażowanych w dbanie o dobra światowego dziedzictwa kulturowego. Wytyczne te mają pomóc w realizacji wymogów Konwencji.
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
This book is a primer on multi-regional input-output (MRIO) analysis. It has been written by the world's leading experts on MRIO. It provides descriptions of seven major MRIO tools as well as case studies illustrating their application.
- Murray, Joy
- Lenzen, Manfred
- Asahi Glass Foundation, JP
- United Kingdom National Committee of IUCN Members
This report is intended as a compendium to describe the tools available for use by industry for response to an oil spill in the Arctic.
- American Petroleum Institute, US
- Joint Industry Programme on Oil Spill Recovery in Ice (JIP)
The manual provides guidance for States Parties and all those involved in the care of World Heritage cultural properties on how to comply with the requirements of the Convention.
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
- Pervushina, Natalia
- Stoner, Sarah
- IUCN Sri Lanka
- Mangroves for the Future
A story book about the children of Tanguar Haor who take lessons on the wetland's resources and also participate in different activities towards conservation of these resources.
- France, Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Woodcock and Snipe Specialist Group
- Wetlands International
- IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
- Critical Ecosystem Patrnership Fund
- IUCN Laos
- IUCN, Asia Regional Office (ARO)
This draft ngootyoong gunditj ngootyoong mara south west management plan is a strategic guide for managing and protecting the parks, reserves and Indigenous Protected Areas of south-west Victoria.
- Australia, Parks Victoria
- Australia, Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Budj Bim Council, AU
- Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
These guidelines are designed to be applicable to the full spectrum of conservation translocations. They are based on principle rather than example and are designed to provide guidance on the justification, design and implementation of any conservation translocation.
- Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, AE
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
- IUCN, World Heritage Programme
Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, a mother, and a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings offer us gifts and lessons, even if we’ve forgotten how to hear their voices.