We all rely on a familiar set of indicators - interest rates, unemployment, inflation, the Dow Jones index, and GDP, for example - to gauge the performance of national economies. No such measures are currently available to describe the environment.
H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, US
This policy brief examines how the inter-linkages approach to sustainable development governance can be used to help make sustainable development financing more effective and efficient.
The Earth is faster now is a collection of ten papers describing contemporary efforts to document indigenous knowledge of environmental change in the Arctic.
The critically endangered Blue Iguana is globally unique to Grand Cayman. Urgent wide ranging conservation measures are vital if this Caymanian flagship animal is to be saved from extinction.
Burton, Frederic J.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Iguana Specialist Group
This volume is a consolidated collection of selected papers presented by participants in the thematic working groups of a four-day workshop in Geneva entitled "Practising and Promoting Sound Environmental Management in Refugee/Returnee Operations" organised by the Environment Unit in UNHCR's Engi
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Environment Unit
This book is intended as a simple guide to the identification of about 100 common and rare wild plant species in the UAE. These plants are illustrated in color and described in detail in order to help the naturalist or expert make positive identifications in the field.
Karim, Fawzi M.
Dolphin Energy
Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, AE
This is the first book to provide assessments of multidecadal changes in resources and environments of the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) of the North Atlantic.
The "tragedy of the commons" is a central concept in human ecology and the study of the environment. It has had tremendous value for stimulating research, but it only describes the reality of human-environment interactions in special situations.
United States, National Research Council, Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change
For more than half a century, many natural habitats in the Czech Republic have been affected by destructive human activities or conversely, by abandonment, decreasing their quantity (area) as well as their quality (biodiversity).
The inability of development agencies to understand and improve the performance of the organizations they support continues to impede progress in the developing world, even after a decade of reforms.
Taking us on a world tour of the most hotly contested water climates, and introducing us to some of the most passionate advocates to emerge from them, Diane Raines Ward gives us a compelling account of where we've come from, and where we need to go.
When it was first published, this national bestseller quickly became a touchstone in the globalization debate. Renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph E.
Paper or plastic? Neither, say William McDonough and Michael Braungart. Why settle for the least harmful alternative when we could have something that is better--say, edible grocery bags!
The objective of this manual is to provide the basic framework and material to trainers in order for them to train field level staff to become facilitators in the Forest Management Learning Group process.
Miagostovich, Marco
Braakman, Lydia
Edwards, Karen
Triraganon, Ronnakorn
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), TH
This comprehensive review of forest biological diversity is an important contribution to the international debate on conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity.
Thompson, Ian
Nasi, Robert
Mulongoy, K.
Toivonen, Heikki
Patterson, Gordon
Leiner, Stefan
Nieto Pola, Cecilia
Sigaud, Pierre
LeDanff, Jean-Pierre
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
"Shell International builds a set of global scenarios every three years to explore the overarching challengest arising from changes in the business environment that need to be faced by its businesses.
This publication provides readers with a magnificent collection of maps that trace the author's route, as well as an abundant and detailed selection of photographs -- the most complete assortment to date.
Genetically, chimpanzees and gorillas are man's closest relative in the animal kingdom. No one in the western world would thus ever dream of eating their flesh. In Central Africa, however, ape- and monkey-meat is a welcome change to the menu.
The primary aim of these guidelines is to assist programme officers at Sida to review EIAs. However, since both reviewing and making an EIA are based on the same concept, most of what is said about reviewing EIAs is also applicable to making EIAs.
This publication features detailed analysis of laws and existing conservation legislation in Nepal and India. Special attention is made to policies and customary law in addition to statutory law.
Pant, Ruchi
Kalpavriksh, IN
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Areas of high ecological value, i.e. parks and protected areas as well as urban parks, experience ever increasing pressures from recreation and tourism. In addition, new technologies make remote areas increasingly accessible.
This 350-page book about biodiversity, "Nature in Northern Europe Biodiversity in a changing environment", is the end-product of a major Northern European co-operation project.