Bangladesh has some social safety net programs that transfer food to the poor, some that transfer cash, and some that provide a combination of both. This study evaluates the relative impacts of food and cash transfers on food security and livelihood outcomes among the ultra poor in Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Akhter U.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), US
Re-introduction is one tool for conserving great apes and their natural habitats. These guidelines adapt other IUCN documents to pertain specifically to the re-introduction of great apes.
Beck, Benjamin B.
Rodrigues, Michelle
Stoinski, Tara
Travis, Dominic A.
Unwin, Steve
Walkup, Kristina
Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
Esta Caja de herramientas contiene doce herramientas prácticas, cada una de ellas diseñada para ayudar a que los responsables de la conservación del Patrimonio Mundial organicen los elementos de un marco comprensivo de manejo, incluyendo la elaboración de estrategias de monitoreo focaliz
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Secretariat
Parks and People describes fifteen years of research at Maine's Acadia National Park, conducted by Robert E. Manning, his colleagues, and students. The book is organized into three parts. Part I addresses indicators and standards of quality for park resources and the visitor experience.
This book aims to provide elements for discussion for those involved in development and development cooperation as practitioners, decision-makers and researchers, at a crucial moment just prior to the Copenhagen Climate Conference.
L'Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur présente ces 245 espèces : répartition spatiale et altitudinale, écologie, statut de conservation, historique et tendances d'évolution.
Cranes, a flagship species of waterbirds, have great cultural significance - especially the Siberian Crane. Yet, even after decades of conservation efforts, cranes remain threatened with 11 species at risk.
Dozens of experts were invited to provide their perspectives on critical issues relating to climate change and water in the form of a Perspective Document. The initiative resulted in the serise of papers presented here.
This discussion paper explores the potential for addressing conflict in the forest sector through the use of company-led tools and mechanisms. A major conflict issue for many is that of recognising and negotiating rights to land and resources.
This book emerged from a conference sponsored by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies with the ambitious title, Toward a New Consciousness: Creating a Society in Harmony with Nature (held in Aspen, late 2007).
Speth, James Gustave
Kellert, Stephen R.
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, US
This paper highlights the climate change mitigation potential of the African drylands and lays out various paths towards adaptation which should be supported to reduce the vulnerability of dryland populations and increase their food security.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Secretariat
This publication provides a glimpse into the often intricate knowledge systems that pastoralists and smallholder farmers have developed for the management of their breeds in specific production systems.
FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Preparing and implementing a national strategy and action plan will enable countries to translate the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources and the momentum it has created into an effective and comprehensive approach to the sustainable use, development and conservatin of their animal
FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
A book about the threatened animals of Greece, with notes on distribution, population status, ecology, threats, protection measures and bibliographic references for each species. The book contains also a complete list of all the vertebrates of Greece.
This Book comes as a watershed of the work in IBSAR on the indigenous plants of Lebanon, where teams of IBSAR researchers have deployed their efforts in learning about local plants and their traditional use as a basis for valorizing them.
Zurayk, Rami
Talhouk, Salma N.
Gharios, Cynthia
Sleem, Khaled
American University of Beirut, LB
American University of Beirut, Nature Conservation Center for Sustainable Futures (ibsar), LB
This report, which inaugurates a new policy series by UNEP on the environmental dimensions of disasters and conflicts, aims to summarize the latest knowledge and field experience on the linkages between environment, conflict and peacebuilding, and to demonstrate the need for those linkages to be
UNEP, Expert Advisory Group on Environment, Conflict and Peacebuilding
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
An evaluation of the sources of illogical decisions explores the reasons why irrational thought often overcomes level-headed practices, offering insight into the structural patterns that cause people to make the same mistakes repeatedly.
"After nearly a decade on the defensive, the world of science is about to be restored to its rightful place. But is the American public really ready for science? And is the world of science ready for the American public?
This nonfiction narrative set in the Kalahari dramatizes the timeless struggle over water, the fulcrum of political power. Facing drought, scarcity and climate change the besieged indigenous Bushmen use voluntary survival strategies while Botswana's government enforces regulatory rule.
This is the purpose of this collaborative work between the UNDP and Conabio which tells how, in a relatively short time and with varying scopes, the management of our natural capital was structured.
Mexico, Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad