A critical component in ensuring effective environmental governance is the existence of a vigilant civil society which can activate relevant statutory agencies to enforce environmental policy and legislation.
Part I looks at community issues and Part II looks at the broad framework of policy and legislation intended to advance farmers' and breeders' rights at both national and international level.
Esta guía es una herramienta práctica que ayuda a los equipos de las instituciones de conservación y gestión ambiental a entender en forma integrada cómo género, pobreza, etnicidad, edad y otras variables claves afectan la gestión ambiental.
Esta publicación ha procurado dar cuenta de algunas experiencias participativas asociadas a la elaboración de la Estrategia Nacional de Diversidad Biológica, destacando los distintos niveles y procesos de participación social.
Andelman, Marta
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
Fundación Conservación & Manejo, AR
Fundación para la Conservación de las Especies y el Medio Ambiente, AR
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Mountains cover a quarter of the earth's land surface. They provide water for at least half the world's people and they are visited by hundreds of millions of tourists every year.
This booklet contains views and abstracts of articles from the special COP6 edition of the magazine Ecologie & Ontwikkeling (Ecology & Development) published by the Netherlands Committee for IUCN.
IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands
Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
This handbook provides information on the business case for biodiversity, as well as current biodiversity issues for business, and guidance on corporate biodiversity strategies.
In preparation for WSSD, IUCN's international Task Force invited prominent experts from African civil society to meet together in Dakar. This publication in both English and French is the result of that meeting.
Esta publicación presenta un panorama del estado de la evaluación de impacto ambiental en la región centroamericana. Tiene como fin aportar una visión amplia a la discusión sobre la importancia de las evaluaciones de impacto ambiental en Centroamérica como un instrumento de gestión ambiental.
Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
Simple introduction to establishing small individual or household apiaries using traditional (bark, cored-out tree stumps, earthen pots), intermediate (top-bar) and modern commercial hives.
The Darwin Elasmobranch Biodiversity Conservation and Management project in Sabah held a three-day international seminar that included a one-day workshop in order to highlight freshwater and coastal elasmobranch conservation issues in the region and worldwide, to disseminate the result of the pro
Fowler, Sarah
Reed, Tim
Dipper, Frances A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Shark Specialist Group
The global use of wild animals for meat is now the primary illegal activity in many protected areas, and growing human populations and a lack of livelihood options suggest that demand for wild meat is likely to continue to rise.
The global use of wild animals for meat is now the primary illegal activity in many protected areas, and growing human populations and a lack of livelihood options suggest that demand for wild meat is likely to continue to rise.
En août 1994, à la suite de diverses études, de judicieuses ouvertures faites dans la digue latérale du barrage de Maga ont permis dalimenter à nouveau le Logomatya et de réamorcer ainsi linondation de la plaine de Waza Logone.
The third volume of this series examines the importance of Adaptive Management in promoting sustainable use. A wide variety of papers selected from two major conferences on Adaptive Management are presented.
This is the first comprehensive environmental law book based primarily on materials from Asia and the Pacific, designed to provide appropriate resources for academics and other trainers in environmental law in the region.
The link between protected areas and tourism is as old as the history of protected areas. Though the relationship is complex and sometimes adversarial, tourism is always a critical component to consider in the establishment and management of protected areas.
Protected areas are conservation instruments created to protect a countrys natural resources. But, protected areas also constitute important tools for equity development among the populations settled within and around protected areas.
Live wild animals are confiscated by local, regional and national authorities for a variety of reasons. Once they have taken possession of these animals, these authorities must dispose of them responsibly, in a timely and efficient manner.
Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, AE
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
A publication from IUCNs Commission on Education and Communication (CEC), this book tells the stories of people who work with communities to motivate them to create a more sustainable future.
Tilbury, Daniella
Stevenson, Robert B.
Fien, John
Schreuder, Danie
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)