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Rolnictwo ekologiczne w poszerzonej Unii Europejskiej jako mozliwosc rozwoju obszarow wiejskich

Complete Title: 
Rolnictwo ekologiczne w poszerzonej Unii Europejskiej jako mozliwosc rozwoju obszarow wiejskich = Organic farming in an enlarged European Union as the opportunity for development of rural areas = Ökolandbau in einer erweiterten Europäischen Union als eine Möglichkeit der Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes
IUCN Publication

The title of this trilingual (Polish, English and German) publication refers to the theme of an international conference held in Poland in March 2002. Organic farming was presented at the conference as the most sustainable form of active environment conservation and an important element of rural development. Included in the document is a collection of papers presented at the conference with the final paper being the "Warsaw Declaration".

International Conference on Organic Farming in an Enlarged European Union as the Opportunity for Development of Rural Areas, Warsaw, PL, 1-2 March 2002
Warsaw : IUCN Office for Central Europe; Berlin : Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2002
Physical Description: 
101 p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Document in 3 languages : Polish, English and German, includes the Warsaw declaration.

Geographic keywords:

Call number:

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2024/05/21