This list contains 26216 entry(ies).
27% of the world's coral reefs have been lost and 14% are predicted to be destroyed in the next 10 to 20 years. These are the predictions of the world's most authoritative document on the health of reef systems.
- Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), AU
- Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network
- UNESCO, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
- World Bank
- WorldFish Center, MY
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development placed a responsibility on States to protect the local, regional and global environment, especially problems shared by the whole community such as soil degradation.
- IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
- IUCN, Environmental Law Programme
Brinda un panorama sobre los humedales de importancia internacional de Centroamérica y ha tratado de analizar el cumplimiento de parte de las instituciones encargadas de su gestión, de las directrices que dicta la Convención de humedales respecto a los planes de manejo de estos diversos sitios.
- Godoy, Juan Carlos
- Windevoxhel Lora, Néstor José
- Córdoba Muñoz, Rocío
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Ofrece información de relevancia sobre algunos de los principales instrumentos jurídicos internacionales que se relacionan con los humedales y con el medio marino en Mesoamérica.
- Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
- Córdoba Muñoz, Rocío
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
These proceedings provide an overview of the ongoing research and management activities on polar bears in the circumpolar arctic.
- Lunn, Nicholas J.
- Schliebe, Scott
- Born, Erik W.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Polar Bear Specialist Group
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- WWF International
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Since the 1998 coral bleaching and mortality, which affected reefs throughout the tropics, a number of projects dealing with research, monitoring and management of coral reefs have been conducted.
- Lindén, Olof
- Souter, David
- Wilhelmsson, Dan
- Obura, David O.
- Sweden, SIDA
- University of Kalmar, Department of Biology and Environmental Science, SE
- Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Once one of the most abundant grazing animals, now only seven species remain. Equids persist in some of the harshest climates and terrains in the world, habitats which are also home to many human populations.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Equid Specialist Group
- Ocean Conservancy, US
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Wildlife Trust, US
- WWF International
Ce livre traite de la gestion décentralisée des ressources naturelles au Brésil et au Costa Rica.
- Comité national des Membres de l’UICN de France
- Groupe de Recherche et d'Echanges Technologiques (GRET), FR
- France, Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable
The Maduganga estuary and mangrove islets are a complex coastal wetland ecosystem situated in the southern part of Sri Lanka. Currently not a protected area, Maduganga has been recognised as a priority wetland for conservation because of its rich biodiversity.
- Bambaradeniya, Channa N. B.
- Ekanayake, S. P.
- Kekulandala, L. D. C. B.
- Fernando, R. H. S. S.
- Samarawickrama, V. A. P.
- Priyadharshana, T. G. M.
This comprehensive report outlines a new solution to the biodiversity extinction crisis, in response to its warnings that unless farmers and the world's poorest peoples can learn to coexist with wildlife, hundreds of species may be lost.
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.
- Scherr, Sara J.
Mitigating the impact of climate change presents governments and communities throughout the world with one of the main environmental challenges of our times.
- Baldock, David
- Canger, Sonja
- Mackensen, Jens
- Maginnis, Stewart
- Manguiat, Maria Socorro Z.
- Orlando, Brett
- Rietbergen, Simon
- Robledo, Carmenza
- Schneider, Norry
- Canada, [Government]
- Institute for European Environmental Policy, UK
- Intercoopération, CH
- IUCN, Forest Conservation Programme
- Swiss Development Cooperation, CH
- Hammond, Tom
- Jackson, W. J.
- Jeanrenaud, Sally
- Hammond, Tom
- Jackson, W. J.
- Jeanrenaud, Sally
Use of and trade in wildlife is a fact of life for human society around the globe.
- Rosser, Alison
- Haywood, Mandy
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- WWF International
- United States, Fish and Wildlife Service
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Secretariat
The regions of Eastern and Southern Africa, embracing the countries of Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia(land), Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa display a great richness and diversity of culture
- Barrow, Edmund G. C.
- Clarke, Jeanette
- Grundy, Isla
- Jones, Kamugisha-Ruhombe
- Tessema, Yemeserach
- IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
- IUCN, Regional Office for Southern Africa
- Royal Netherlands Embassy, PK
A critical component in ensuring effective environmental governance is the existence of a vigilant civil society which can activate relevant statutory agencies to enforce environmental policy and legislation.
- IUCN, Regional Office for Southern Africa
Part I looks at community issues and Part II looks at the broad framework of policy and legislation intended to advance farmers' and breeders' rights at both national and international level.
- IUCN, Regional Office for Southern Africa
- Royal Netherlands Embassy, PK
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), CH
- World Bank Institute
- LEAD International
- Deutsche Bank
Esta guía es una herramienta práctica que ayuda a los equipos de las instituciones de conservación y gestión ambiental a entender en forma integrada cómo género, pobreza, etnicidad, edad y otras variables claves afectan la gestión ambiental.
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Esta publicación ha procurado dar cuenta de algunas experiencias participativas asociadas a la elaboración de la Estrategia Nacional de Diversidad Biológica, destacando los distintos niveles y procesos de participación social.
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
- IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
- Fundación Conservación & Manejo, AR
- Fundación para la Conservación de las Especies y el Medio Ambiente, AR
- Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
- Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
- Hernández, Gabriela
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
- Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
- Hernández, Gabriela
- Villegas, Florangel
- Vargas Mena, Emilio
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
- Costa Rica, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energia
- Costa Rica, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía
- Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Programa de Educación Ambiental, CR
- Universidad Nacional, CR
Mountains cover a quarter of the earth's land surface. They provide water for at least half the world's people and they are visited by hundreds of millions of tourists every year.
- Scottish Natural Heritage (NatureScot), UK
- Hamilton, Lawrence S.
- Thorsell, J. W.
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Matthew, Richard
- Halle, Mark
- Switzer, Jason
- IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
- International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK
Forest loss and degradation carry a heavy human and environmental cost throughout tropical, temperate and boreal regions.
- Barrow, Edmund G. C.
- Timmer, Dagmar
- White, Sean
- Maginnis, Stewart
- IUCN, Forest Conservation Programme
- WWF International
- United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
- IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
- Groupe d'experts des plaines d'inondation sahéliennes
- Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal, SN
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
This international prizewinner distills the research of hundreds of scientists in this brilliant overview of the interconnectedness of life on Earth.
- Gleich, Michael
- Maxeiner, Dirk
- Miersch, Michael
- Nicolay, Fabian
- WWF International
- Aventis
The title of this trilingual (Polish, English and German) publication refers to the theme of an international conference held in Poland in March 2002.
- IUCN, Office for Central Europe
- Heinrich Böll Stiftung, DE
This booklet contains views and abstracts of articles from the special COP6 edition of the magazine Ecologie & Ontwikkeling (Ecology & Development) published by the Netherlands Committee for IUCN.
- IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands
- Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
- Planta Europa
- Council of Europe, FR
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
This handbook provides information on the business case for biodiversity, as well as current biodiversity issues for business, and guidance on corporate biodiversity strategies.
- Carey, Christine
- Vorhies, Frank
- Abbott, Coralie
- de la Porte, Cherryl André
- Barrington, Robert
- Bertrand, Nick
- Fry, Albert
- Prag, Andrew
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
This atlas addresses the remarkable growth in concern for living things and the environment, and the links between them.
- Groombridge, Brian
- Jenkins, Martin
In preparation for WSSD, IUCN's international Task Force invited prominent experts from African civil society to meet together in Dakar. This publication in both English and French is the result of that meeting.
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
- CAB International
- Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP), ZA
Esta publicación presenta un panorama del estado de la evaluación de impacto ambiental en la región centroamericana. Tiene como fin aportar una visión amplia a la discusión sobre la importancia de las evaluaciones de impacto ambiental en Centroamérica como un instrumento de gestión ambiental.
- Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
- Hernández, Gabriela
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
- Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
- Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Simple introduction to establishing small individual or household apiaries using traditional (bark, cored-out tree stumps, earthen pots), intermediate (top-bar) and modern commercial hives.
The Darwin Elasmobranch Biodiversity Conservation and Management project in Sabah held a three-day international seminar that included a one-day workshop in order to highlight freshwater and coastal elasmobranch conservation issues in the region and worldwide, to disseminate the result of the pro
- Fowler, Sarah
- Reed, Tim
- Dipper, Frances A.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Shark Specialist Group
- Darwin Initiative, UK
The global use of wild animals for meat is now the primary illegal activity in many protected areas, and growing human populations and a lack of livelihood options suggest that demand for wild meat is likely to continue to rise.
- Mainka, Sue
- Trivedi, Mandar
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- TRAFFIC International
The global use of wild animals for meat is now the primary illegal activity in many protected areas, and growing human populations and a lack of livelihood options suggest that demand for wild meat is likely to continue to rise.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- TRAFFIC International
- TRAFFIC International
- TRAFFIC Oceania
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Hammond, Tom
- Jackson, W. J.
- Jeanrenaud, Sally
- Liro, Anna
- Metera, Dorota
- Torkler, Peter
- Fundacja IUCN Poland
- IUCN, Office for Central Europe
- IUCN, European Programme
- WWF-Poland
- Moyini, Yakobo
- Muramira, Eugene
- Emerton, L. (Lucy)
- Shechambo, Fanuel
- IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Uganda, National Environment Management Authority
- Tanzania, National Environmental Management Council
- Kenya, National Environment Secretariat