En este documento se describe el plan de monitoreo anual de calidad de agua potable captada de pozos perforados para abastecer a menos de 5 mil usuarios y de 5 mil a 100 mil habitantes.
This toolkit explains the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), especially the historical background and its evolution under the 36th chapter of Agenda.
Education is the most neglected sector in the district and the District Government is trying to uplift the situation through effective and realistic planning. The District Education Plan 2005 is an effort of the District Education Board (DEB) which was established in February 2004.
Education is the most neglected sector in the district and the District Government is trying to uplift the situation through effective and realistic planning. The District Education Plan 2005 is an effort of the District Education Board (DEB) which was established in February 2004.
The implementation of Natura 2000 in the New EU Member States of Central Europe is a long process which began with the signing of Accession Treaties in the beginning of the 1990s and will continue for several years.
In some areas of western equatorial Africa, ape populations have declined by more than 50% over the last twenty years. By far the most serious short-term threats to apes in this region are poaching and disease epidemics.
Tutin, C.
Conservation International
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
The first in a series of guides to the natural environments of St. Eustatius (Statia), Saba and St. Maarten, this book describes the reptiles and amphibians of these islands.
This was prepared as part of a comprehensive, concerted and integrated effort at a national level to make a significant headway in Sri Lanka 's marine turtle conservation.
This report has been developed through a collation and analysis of reliable, up-to-date data, using an interdisciplinary approach and also recognizing that wetland ecosystems should be conserved and developed in a sustainable manner.
IUCN Vietnam
Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Programme
With increasing demands on the water of the Pangani River Basin, coupled with a decreasing catchment runoff due to climate change, water resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and leading to conflicts among users.
Sri Lanka has one of the oldest traditions of irrigation in the world. The economy and human settlements of early Sri Lankan society were organized around the ancient water tank (water storage reservoir) irrigation systems.
The socio-economic development plan for Sekong mentions increasing forest cover as one of its major objectives. This study focuses on natural regeneration (NFR) forests and what it would cost the country if NFR schemes were not undertaken.
Sri Lanka holds great potential for developing payment for environmental services (PES) and environmental service markets. However, this is a relatively new concept, and improving awareness and building institutional capacity remain a top priority and challenge.
Wetlands are vital to the livelihoods of hundred of millions of people residing in the Lower Mekong region, and particularly to the food security of many of the rural poor.
This paper presents the findings of a series of biodiversity assessments conducted in the Anawilundawa wetland sanctuary from September 2003-January 2004.
This publication, which was prepared in Sinhala, provides a general introduction to an intergovernmental treaty, known as the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), which aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian species.
At the occasion of the 9th Conference of Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (8-15 November 2005), Uganda took great pride in sharing its experiences in wetland management with the world. These experiences are based on a partnership between the Government of Uganda, the World Conservatio
Resumen del Plan para la erradicación de seis especies de mamíferos introducidos en la Isla del Coco. Contiene además, lineamientos generales de una estrategia permanente para el manejo de especies introducidas.
Costa Rica, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Costa Rica, Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación (SINAC)
The main objective of this report is to provide hydrological inputs that include inflow and outflow routes of water, identification of various rivers, beels and khals functioning within the Hakaluki haor region, current hydrological and hydraulic characteristics, soil characteristics of the area
IUCN Bangladesh has undertaken this initiative in association with Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) under the Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP) in the Madhumati Floodplain. Under this project one of the interventions is to promote alternative livelihood options.
The overall objective of the project was to improve environmental quality of the degraded canals/beels/rivers to allow for proper functioning of migratory routes for fish and other organisms, to increase the crop production by facilitating irrigation and thereby effect socio-economic uplift of th
This aim of this report was to show how restoration activities in some degraded and silted wetlands, identified by the community people enhanced fish populations and aquatic habitats, increased agricultural production by ensuring adequate irrigation facilities, facilitated fish migration, and inc
Through this study undertaken in the in the Modhumoti floodplain area, an attempt has been made to learn about the volume of snail harvesting, trends, marketing channels and the overall snail trade cycle.